1. "There are a million energies in man. What may we not become when we learn to use them all?"
2. Promise Yourself…
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of
mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every
person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is
something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best,
to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To
be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you
are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the
greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful
countenance at all timed and give every living creature you
meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of
yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be
too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for
fear; and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. To
think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the
world, not in loud words but in great deeds. To live in the
faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you
are true to the best that is in you.
3.Man is ever in search of strength. It is the strong man
that wins. It is the man with power that scales the heights.
To be strong is to be great; and it is the privilege of
greatness to satisfy every desire, every aspiration, every
need. But strength is not for the few alone; it is for all,
and the way to strength is simple. Proceed this very moment
to the mountain tops of the strength you now possess, and
whatever may happen do not come down.
Do not weaken under adversity. Resolve to remain as strong,
as determined and as highly enthused during the darkest
night of adversity as you are during the sunniest day of
prosperity. Do not feel disappointed when things seem
disappointing. Keep the eye single upon the same brilliant
future regardless of circumstances, conditions or events. Do
not lose heart when things go wrong. Continue undisturbed in
your original resolve to make all things go right.
To be overcome by adversity and threatening failure is to
lose strength; to always remain in the same lofty,
determined mood is to constantly grow in strength. The man
who never weakens when things are against him will grow
stronger and stronger until all things will delight to be
for him. He will finally have all the strength he may desire
or need. Be always strong and you will always be stronger.
4.Life is growth and the object of right thinking is to
promote that growth. Give less time trying to change the
tns of others, and more time trying to improve your own
life. Life becomes the way it is lived; and man may live the
way he wants to live when he learns to think what he wants
to think. Create your own thought and you become what you
want to become because your thought creates you. We all know
that man is as he thinks. Then we must think only such
thoughts as tend to make us what we wish to be. The secret
of right thinking is found in always keeping the mind's eye
stayed upon the greater and the better in all things.
5.When you think of yourself do not think of that part of
yourself that appears on the surface. That part is the
smaller part and the lesser should not be pictured in mind.
Think of your larger self, the immense subconscious self
that is limitless both in power and in possibility. Be in yourself but not simply in a part of yourself. Give
constant recognition to all that is in you, and, in that all
have full faith and confidence. Give the bigger being on the
inside full right of way. Believe thoroughly in your greater
interior self. Know that you have something within you that
is greater than any obstacle, circumstance or difficulty
that you can possibly meet. Then in the full faith in this
greater something, proceed with your work.
6.When you have made up your mind what you want to do, s best way will soon open. You will have the opportunity you
desire. If you would be greater in the future than you are
now, be all that you can be now. He who is his best develops
the power to be better. He who lives his ideals is creating
a life that actually is ideal. There is nothing in your life
that you cannot modify, change or improve when you learn to
regulate your thought. Our destiny is not mapped out for us
by some exterior power; we map it out for ourselves. What we
think and do in the present determines what shall happen to
us in the future.
7.Dream constantly of the ideal; work ceaselessly to perfect the real. Believe in yourself; believe in everybody; believe in all that has existence. Give the body added
strength; give the mind added brilliancy; give the soul added inspiration. Do your best under every circumstance,
and believe that every circumstance will give its best to
> you. Live for the realization of more life and for the more
> efficient use of everything that proceeds from life. Desire
> eternally what you want; and act always as if every
> expectation were coming true.
> 8.The greatest remedy in the world is change; and change
> implies the passing from the old to the new. It is also the
> only path that leads from the lesser to the greater, from
> the dream to the reality, from the wish to the heart's
> desire fulfilled. It is change that brings us everything we
> want. It is the opposite of change that holds us back from
> that which we want. But change is not always external. Real
> change, or rather the cause of all change, is always
> internal. It is the change in the within that first produces
> the change in the without. To go from place to place is not
> a change unless it produces a change of mind a renewal of
> mind.
> It is the change of mind that is the change desired. It is
> the renewal of mind that produces better health, more
> happiness, greater power, the increase of life, and the
> consequent increase of all that is good in life. And the
> constant renewal of mind -- the daily change of mind -- is
> possible regardless of times, circumstances or places.
> He who can change his mind every day and think the new
> about everything every day, will always be well; he will
> always have happiness; he will always be free; his life will
> always be interesting; he will constantly move forward into
> the larger, the richer and the better; and whatever is
> needed for his welfare today, of that he shall surely have
> abundance.
> 9.When failure comes be more determined than ever to
> succeed. The more feeling there is in your thought the
> greater its power. You steadily and surely become in the
> real what you constantly and clearly think that you are in
> the ideal. The more you believe in yourself the more of your
> latent powers and possibilities you place in action. And the
> more you believe in your purpose the more of your power you
> apply in promoting that purpose. To him who thinks he can,
> everything is an opportunity. Depend only upon yourself but
> work in harmony with all things. Thus you call forth the
> best that is in yourself and secure the best that external
> sources have to give.
> 10.The fact that you have failed to get the lesser proves
> conclusively that you deserve the greater. So therefore, dry
> those tears and go in search of the worthier prize. Count
> nothing lost; even the day that sees "no worthy action
> done" may be a day of preparation and accumulation that
> will add greatly to the achievements of tomorrow. Many a day
> was made famous because nothing was done the day before.
> Know what you want and continue to want it. You will get it
> if you combine desire with faith. The power of desire when
> combined with faith becomes invincible. Some of the
> principal reasons why so many fail to get what they want is
> because they do not definitely know what they want or
> because they change their wants almost every day.
> 11.Man lives to move forward, To move forward is to live
> more. To live more is to be more and do more; and it is
> being and doing that constitutes the path to happiness. The
> more you are the more you do, the richer your life, the
> greater your joy. But being and doing must always live
> together as one. To try to be much and not try to do much is
> to find life a barren waste. To try to do much and not try
> to be much is to find life a burden too heavy and wearisome
> to bear.
> The being of much gives the necessary inspiration and the
> necessary power to the doing of much. The doing of much
> gives the necessary expression to the being of much. And it
> is the bringing forth of being through the act of doing that
> produces happiness that is happiness. Being much gives
> capacity for doing much. Doing much gives expression to the
> richest and the best that is within us.
> And the more we increase the richness of that which is
> within us, the more we increase our happiness, provided we
> increase, in the same proportion, the expression of that
> greater richness. The first essential is provided for by the
> being of much; the second, by the doing of much; and the
> secret of both may be found by him who lives to move
> forward.
> 12.The optimist lives under a clear sky; the pessimist
> lives in a fog. The pessimist hesitates, and loses both time
> and opportunity; the optimist makes the best use of
> everything now, and builds themselves up, steadily and
> surely, until all adversity is overcome and the object in
> view realized. The pessimist curbs their energies and
> concentrates their whole attention upon failure; the
> optimist gives all their thought and power to the attainment
> of success, and arouses their faculties and forces to the
> highest point of efficiency. The pessimist waits for better
> times, and expects to keep on waiting; the optimist goes to
> work with the best that is at hand now, and proceeds to
> create better times.
> The pessimist pours cold water on the fires of their own
> ability; the optimist adds fuel to those fires. The
> pessimist links their mind to everything that is losing
> ground; the optimist lives, thinks and works with everything
> that is determined to press on. The pessimist places a
> damper on everything; the optimist gives life, fire and go
> to everything. The optimist is a building force; the
> pessimist is always an obstacle in the way of progress. The
> pessimist lives in a dark, soggy unproductive world, the
> optimist lives in that mental sunshine that makes all things
> grow.
> 13.Say to yourself a hundred times every day, and mean it
> with all your heart: I will become more than I am. I will
> achieve more and more every day because I know that I can. I
> will recognize only that which is good in myself, only that
> which is good in others; only that in all things and places
> that I know should live and grow. When adversity threatens I
> will be more determined than ever in my life to prove that I
> can turn all things to good account.
> And when those whom I have trusted seem to fail me, I will
> have a thousand times more faith in the honour and nobleness
> of man. I will think only of that which has virtue and
> worth. I will wish only for that which can give freedom and
> truth. I will expect only that which can add to the welfare
> of the race. I will live to live more. I will speak to give
> encouragement, inspiration and joy. I will work to be of
> service to an ever-increasing number. And in every thought,
> word and action my ruling desire shall be, to enrich,
> ennoble and beautify existence for all who come my way.
> 14.He who would become great must live a great life.
> Happiness adds life, power, and worth to all your talents
> and powers. It is most important, therefore, that every
> moment should be full of joy. However much you may do,
> always remember you have the ability to do more. No one has
> as yet applied all the ability in their possession. But all
> of us should learn to apply a greater measure every year.
> While you are waiting for an opportunity to improve your
> time, improve yourself. The man or woman who never weakens
> when things are against them, will grow stronger and
> stronger until they will have the power to cause all things
> to be for them.
> 15.Remove the sting; remove the whine; remove the sigh.
> They are your enemies. They are never conducive to
> happiness; and we all live to gain happiness, to give
> happiness. From every word remove the sting. Speak kindly.
> To speak kindly and gently to everybody is the mark of a
> great soul. And it is your privilege to be a great soul.
> From the tone of your voice remove the whine. Speak with
> joy. Never complain. The more you complain, the smaller you
> become, and the fewer will be your friends and
> opportunities.
> Speak tenderly, speak sweetly, speak with love. From all
> the outpourings of your heart, remove the sigh. Be happy and
> contented always. Let your spirit sing, let your heart
> dance, let your soul declare the glory of existence, for
> truly life is beautiful. Every sigh is a burden, a
> self-inflicted burden. Every whine is a maker of trouble, a
> forerunner of failure.
> Every sting is a destroyer of happiness, a dispenser of
> bitterness. To live in the world of sighs is to be blind to
> everything that is rich and beautiful. The more we sigh, the
> less we live, for every sigh leads to weakness, defeat, and
> death. Remove the sting, remove the whine, remove the sigh.
> They are not your friends. There is better company waiting
> for you.
16.Be good and kind to everybody and the world will be kind
to you. There may be occasional exceptions to this rule, but
when they come pass them by and they will not come again.
Ideals need the best of care. Weeds can grow without
attention, but not so with the roses. Not all minds are pure
that think they are. Many of them are simply dwarfed. It
does not pay to lose faith in anybody.
It is better to have faith in everybody and be deceived
occasionally than to mistrust everybody and be deceived
almost constantly. When you meet a person who does not look
well, call their attention to the sunny side of things, and
aim to say something that will give them new interest and
new life. You will thereby nip in the bud many a threatening
evil, and carry healing with you wherever you go.
17.When the creative energies are daily transmuted, and
turned into muscle, brain and mind, a virtuous life can be
lived without inconvenience. Besides, the body will be
healthier, the personality stronger and the mind more
brilliant. Hold yourself constantly in a positive, masterful
attitude, and fill that attitude with kindness. The result
will be that remarkable something that people call personal
Creative energy when retained in the system will give vigor
to the body, sparkle to the eye, and genius to the brain.
There is enough power in any man to enable him to realize
all his desires and reach the highest good he has in view.
It is only necessary that all of this power be constructively applied.
Never think or speak of that which you do not wish to
The whine, the sting, and the sigh -- these three must
never appear in a single thought or a single word.
You can win ten times as many friends by talking happiness
as you can by talking trouble. And the more real friends you
have the less trouble you will have.
Speak well of everything good you find and mean it. When you find what you do not like keep quiet. The less you think
or speak of what you do not like the more you have of what
you do like.
Magnify the good; emphasize that which has worth; and talk
only of those things that should live and grow.
When you have something good to say, say it. When you have
something ill to say, say something else.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Three Important Keys Of Mastery:
Knowledge Of Our Power
Courage To Dare
Faith To Do
By harmonizing ourselves with universal principles of Divine Creation we have the access code to "The Keys of Mastery" .
....contained deep within us are keys of pure wisdom, absolute intelligence, and divine love.
When discovered, these keys open up gateways to our highest potential allowing us to actualize our deepest purpose for being!
A key is a way, a path, a message, an opening to Infinite Intelligence.
It is my honor and treasured wish that you discover and uncover what you have come here to be!
Excerpt From-This Mystical Life Of Ours
"Nothing in the universe operates in a random way - there is a divine order running throughout everything.
But in order to experience this, we need to come into harmony with it. And thereby into harmony with all the Universal Laws and Forces that exist. When we do this we can work in conjunction with these forces and makes our lives whatever we want.
This is the secret of all success and it is here for you to discover for yourself..."
Excerpt From The Book-Joy Philosophy
Intelligence is not confined in bodies or brains - it fills the universe. All this space between us is pure intelligence in which we live and move, and through which we think.
But we are conscious only of that small portion of our intelligence represented by our bodies. This great sea of intelligence is infinitely the larger part of us, but it acts subconsciously, or super-consciously.
Excerpt from the book "Mental Chemistry" By Charles F.Haanel-
"It will be found that Nature is constantly seeking to express Harmony in all things, is forever trying to bring about an harmonious adjustment, for every discord, every wound, every difficulty; therefore when thought is harmonious, Nature begins to create the material conditions, the possession of which are necessary in order to make up an harmonious environment."
"Every thought tends to become a material thing. Our desires are seed thoughts that have a tendency to sprout and grow and blossom and bear fruit. We are sowing these seeds every day. What shall the harvest be? Each of us today is the result of his past thinking. Later we shall be the result of what we are now thinking. We create our own character, personality and environment by the thought which we originate, or entertain. Thought seeks its own. The law of mental attraction is an exact parallel to the law of atomic affinity. Mental currents are as real as electric, magnetic or heat currents. We attract the currents with which we are in harmony."
"Before any environment, harmonious or otherwise, can be created, action of some kind is necessary, and before any action is possible, there must be thought of some kind, either conscious or unconscious, and as thought is a product of mind, it becomes evident that Mind is the creative center from which all activities proceed.
When we understand that mind is the great creative power, what does not become possible? With Desire as the great creative energy, can we not see why Desire should be cultivated, controlled and directed in our lives and destinies?"
"Cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and material things. Mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance"- James Allen
Knowledge Of Our Power
Courage To Dare
Faith To Do
By harmonizing ourselves with universal principles of Divine Creation we have the access code to "The Keys of Mastery" .
....contained deep within us are keys of pure wisdom, absolute intelligence, and divine love.
When discovered, these keys open up gateways to our highest potential allowing us to actualize our deepest purpose for being!
A key is a way, a path, a message, an opening to Infinite Intelligence.
It is my honor and treasured wish that you discover and uncover what you have come here to be!
Excerpt From-This Mystical Life Of Ours
"Nothing in the universe operates in a random way - there is a divine order running throughout everything.
But in order to experience this, we need to come into harmony with it. And thereby into harmony with all the Universal Laws and Forces that exist. When we do this we can work in conjunction with these forces and makes our lives whatever we want.
This is the secret of all success and it is here for you to discover for yourself..."
Excerpt From The Book-Joy Philosophy
Intelligence is not confined in bodies or brains - it fills the universe. All this space between us is pure intelligence in which we live and move, and through which we think.
But we are conscious only of that small portion of our intelligence represented by our bodies. This great sea of intelligence is infinitely the larger part of us, but it acts subconsciously, or super-consciously.
Excerpt from the book "Mental Chemistry" By Charles F.Haanel-
"It will be found that Nature is constantly seeking to express Harmony in all things, is forever trying to bring about an harmonious adjustment, for every discord, every wound, every difficulty; therefore when thought is harmonious, Nature begins to create the material conditions, the possession of which are necessary in order to make up an harmonious environment."
"Every thought tends to become a material thing. Our desires are seed thoughts that have a tendency to sprout and grow and blossom and bear fruit. We are sowing these seeds every day. What shall the harvest be? Each of us today is the result of his past thinking. Later we shall be the result of what we are now thinking. We create our own character, personality and environment by the thought which we originate, or entertain. Thought seeks its own. The law of mental attraction is an exact parallel to the law of atomic affinity. Mental currents are as real as electric, magnetic or heat currents. We attract the currents with which we are in harmony."
"Before any environment, harmonious or otherwise, can be created, action of some kind is necessary, and before any action is possible, there must be thought of some kind, either conscious or unconscious, and as thought is a product of mind, it becomes evident that Mind is the creative center from which all activities proceed.
When we understand that mind is the great creative power, what does not become possible? With Desire as the great creative energy, can we not see why Desire should be cultivated, controlled and directed in our lives and destinies?"
"Cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and material things. Mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance"- James Allen
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