The Three Important Keys Of Mastery:
Knowledge Of Our Power
Courage To Dare
Faith To Do
By harmonizing ourselves with universal principles of Divine Creation we have the access code to "The Keys of Mastery" .
....contained deep within us are keys of pure wisdom, absolute intelligence, and divine love.
When discovered, these keys open up gateways to our highest potential allowing us to actualize our deepest purpose for being!
A key is a way, a path, a message, an opening to Infinite Intelligence.
It is my honor and treasured wish that you discover and uncover what you have come here to be!
Excerpt From-This Mystical Life Of Ours
"Nothing in the universe operates in a random way - there is a divine order running throughout everything.
But in order to experience this, we need to come into harmony with it. And thereby into harmony with all the Universal Laws and Forces that exist. When we do this we can work in conjunction with these forces and makes our lives whatever we want.
This is the secret of all success and it is here for you to discover for yourself..."
Excerpt From The Book-Joy Philosophy
Intelligence is not confined in bodies or brains - it fills the universe. All this space between us is pure intelligence in which we live and move, and through which we think.
But we are conscious only of that small portion of our intelligence represented by our bodies. This great sea of intelligence is infinitely the larger part of us, but it acts subconsciously, or super-consciously.
Excerpt from the book "Mental Chemistry" By Charles F.Haanel-
"It will be found that Nature is constantly seeking to express Harmony in all things, is forever trying to bring about an harmonious adjustment, for every discord, every wound, every difficulty; therefore when thought is harmonious, Nature begins to create the material conditions, the possession of which are necessary in order to make up an harmonious environment."
"Every thought tends to become a material thing. Our desires are seed thoughts that have a tendency to sprout and grow and blossom and bear fruit. We are sowing these seeds every day. What shall the harvest be? Each of us today is the result of his past thinking. Later we shall be the result of what we are now thinking. We create our own character, personality and environment by the thought which we originate, or entertain. Thought seeks its own. The law of mental attraction is an exact parallel to the law of atomic affinity. Mental currents are as real as electric, magnetic or heat currents. We attract the currents with which we are in harmony."
"Before any environment, harmonious or otherwise, can be created, action of some kind is necessary, and before any action is possible, there must be thought of some kind, either conscious or unconscious, and as thought is a product of mind, it becomes evident that Mind is the creative center from which all activities proceed.
When we understand that mind is the great creative power, what does not become possible? With Desire as the great creative energy, can we not see why Desire should be cultivated, controlled and directed in our lives and destinies?"
"Cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and material things. Mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance"- James Allen
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