Monday, January 18, 2010

quotes by TB Wright

Quotes from TB Wright:

"Success isn't what comes to you, it's what comes out of you." TB Wright

"We never sway from being human, therefore, we can only gain in power through redefining on a continual basis, what it means to us to be human."

"In a world of ultimate mystery, we create boredom. In a Universe of overwhelming abundance, we create lack. In a long life of safety, despite thousands of demonstrations of peace, we still create disquiet. In a life with but one guarantee, death, we create being afraid of it. And, finally, with a consciousness that is able to so powerfully create these things, it is also a Truth that we can as well create their opposites, at any time, in any place, for no reason, other than we can."

"The nature of the world cannot be changed, but our relationship to that nature can be. Suffer or smile, it's all within our power."

"Ultimately, plan on being here for the long run. Because what do we get with a short run mentality? Fear, pollution, and violence. But are those what we really want, especially in the long run? I would think not. So plan your every day as if you were going to see that next person, as if you were going to walk upon this planet, for an eternity.Those actions, are who you would really like to be. Simply be them now, for the long run."

"I was always so busy concentrating on what I had failed at, and how many failures were piling up, that it didn't dawn on me for a long time, that the reason I was failing so much was that I was out there on the mat, trying! Once I made that significant shift in focus, I began to enjoy the many successes I was having."

"If you keep secrets from others, and there is nobody out there, then eventually you will develop the habit of keeping secrets from yourself." 

"Faith isn't about believing when things seem to be going well. It's about believing regardless of the external circumstances, because those are facts, and facts can change at any time. A tornado could sweep up your house or your life, in one single moment. But nothing, not a thing that exists in the material world, can sweep away your faith if it is strong enough." 

"Why have faith regardless of material circumstances? Well, how does it feel when you don't have faith? How does it feel when you do? Which feels better? I always hold true to what feels better, because it feels much better when I do!" 

"We hold within ourselves all answers, all solutions, all the Source Love we will ever hold, because we are the only connection to that Source, and it is up to us, and only us, to let that light out. We receive nothing, we only give."

"There is a veil to be lifted, and that, more than anything else, is our destiny,
not to put what lay behind that veil in place, because it is already there,
not to suffer over what is in front of that veil, because that is already
done, but to simply put all of our effort, play, and intention, in lifting
that veil to see what is." 

"I can afford anything, but doubt."

"If I only shared my life when it perfectly fit my pictures, I wouldn't talk much."

"The only reward I need for being generous, loving, and compassionate, is my own happiness." 

"What matters first, is what's written on the heart, and then what's written in your checkbook. When you begin to be that true to yourself, the checkbook will expand as if of its own accord."

"We often have it backwards. We pray, asking for the Universal to recognize us, rather than to pray with the silent intent to have that which is Universal, and already inside of us, to come forth. We try to demand our separateness from God, by asking something outside of ourselves for what we want, rather than to know we are part of God, and so nothing is outside of ourselves. We ask to get things, rather than ask to disappear resistance to experiencing what we already have."

"Just because something's quite rare, don't fool yourself into believing that it's also not quite possible at the same time."

"The most important time to believe in yourself, is when there's no reason to."

"I was always so busy concentrating on what I had failed at, and how many failures were piling up, that it didn't dawn on me for a long time, that the reason I was failing so much was that I was out there on the mat, trying! Once I made that significant shift in focus, I began to enjoy the many successes I was having."

"If you're one of those people who was born into being rich, or who was surrounded by people and family who had the mindset of the wealthy, then like all circumstances and how they affect us, it's easy to continue along with what you were born being immersed in. In those situations, it's easier to get and to stay rich. Yet, if you are someone who was born into a family and circumstance that did not coach and immerse you in the mindset of the wealthy, whether a wealth of money, right relationship, or joy, then you are going to have to find some other way to achieve your abundance than what you learned from your past. Being in your body, and clarifying your real intentions through these processes, is one such way. A particularly effective way, by the way."

"Darkness forces us to go inside, because that's the only place where enough light exists that would make the dark disappear."

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