There is no point with these people. We have a saying about "beating" water in a mortar. Waste of time. The polls were conducted by different groups and they all say the same thing. If the margins between them were too wide, we can get worried or where one talks about 20 points difference between the winner and the loser and another puts the loser at that wide difference as the winner.
What Omtatah and Kombo are doing is not only porojo of the worst level but are psychologically preparing themselves for the defeat. Give them till August 5th and you will see them back here with the nonsense of rigging. There is nobody in his or her right mind who expect the NO side to win. Everybody knows that save for Ruto's backyard, there is no other place where the NO side will defeat the YES side, may be Machogeland but these two is what Omtatah and Kombo expect to turn the tables.
The margin of winning side will be wider than the polls mentions and this will be because the votes from the independents will either not count or they will swing towards the winning side.
Tell them to prepare for shock come August 5th when the results gets out. My plea with them is that they need to book a room at the trauma center at Kenyatta Hospital because the shock will be unmanageable if they still expect the NO side to win.
Tell them to get prescriptions for anti-anxiety medication and to get ready to be treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) come August 5th:)
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Elijah Kombo <> wrote:
Opinion polls legitimize the doubts of people. Kenyan opinion polls a re always skewed to favour the rulers. There will be no direct democracy in this referendum as the result is expected to lean towards the sponored and paid polls.A rigged process, yes rigged: PSs and senior civil servants out there for 15 days to campaign, State Ministers, President and PM using states resources to campaign, donors sponsoring NGOs and paying voters to vote for the Katiba, Opinion pollsters paid lumpsums to skew the results, Musicians paid huge sums of money to criss-cross the country in favour for the Katiba etc etc.Kombo Elijah
From: otieno sungu <>
To:;; PEOPLE FOR PEACE IN AFRICA <>; Public Eye Group News <>;; africa- oped <>;; ProgressiveMinds <>; Young professionals-ke <>; Wanabidii Googlegroups <>; Miziziyahaki Pwani <>
Sent: Sat, July 31, 2010 8:06:53 PM
Subject: Re: [NewVisionKenya] How to Steal an Election
Okiya hata hii bado ni porojo, opinion polls have been here with us always,they are worldwide and even you cooked some and came along with which you could not even defend when challenged.Just let us wait for August 4th which is 5 days away, stop beginning to justify the loss and the fact that you might have been part of a Think Tank that duped NO with those voodoo confidential referendum data which anyone with a shred of statistics will dismiss outright from the use of irrelevant data to "project" a totally unrelated matter.Otieno Sungu
From: Okiya Omtatah Okoiti <omtatah@yahoo. com>
To: NVK-Mageuzi@ yahoogroups. com; New Vision List <newvisionkenya@ yahoogroups. com>; PEOPLE FOR PEACE IN AFRICA <ppa@africaonline.>; Public Eye Group News <PubliceyeT@aol. com>; kenya-alternatives@ googlegroups. com; africa- oped <africa-oped@ yahoogroups. com>; mlalahoi@googlegrou; ProgressiveMinds <ProgressiveMinds@ yahoogroups. com>; Young professionals- ke <youngprofessionals_ ke@googlegroups. com>; Wanabidii Googlegroups <wanabidii@googlegro>; Miziziyahaki Pwani <miziziyahakipwani@>
Sent: Sat, July 31, 2010 8:00:34 PM
Subject: [NewVisionKenya] How to Steal an Election
The Opinion Makers: An Insider Exposes the Truth Behind the Polls [Hardcover]
David W. Moore (Author)Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
In this succinct and damning critique of the pitfalls of public opinion reporting, Moore (How to Steal an Election), former senior editor of the Gallup Poll, argues that today's polls report the whims rather than the will of the people due to an intrinsic methodological problem: poll results don't differentiate between those who express deeply held views and those who have hardly, if at all, thought about an issue. Thus, respondents are compelled to provide an ill-considered, top-of-mind response because the method does not offer the option of expressing no opinion. In Moore's view, forced-choice polls not only distort public opinion, they create a legitimacy spin cycle, which damages U.S. democracy by manufacturing a public consensus to serve those in power. Keen and witty throughout, his prose turns bitter as he condemns journalists, insisting they are fully aware of the polling flaws but turn a blind eye because they like sharply divided groups and extreme reactions. However correct his claim and justified his outrage, his proposed antidote—that the media ought to enlighten its audience to its own ignorance—feels more like a pipe dream than a practical prescription. (Sept.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Review
"You will never regard political polls the same after reading David W. Moore's devastating inside account of their severe limitations and misapplications. This book should be required reading for journalists, political junkies, students, scholars, and citizens."
—Robert W. McChesney, author of The Political Economy of Media"In this succinct and damning critique of the pitfalls of public opinion reporting, Moore, former senior editor of the Gallup Poll, argues that today's polls report the whims rather than the will of the people. … Keen and witty throughout."
—Publishers Weekly
"The Opinion Makers is the most important book about the making of polls and public opinion that I have read. The account of how news stories drive polls should make us stop and ask whether the close relationship between the newsroom and polling operations is perhaps a bit too close. A must read."
—W. Lance Bennett, director, Center for Communication and Civic Engagement, University of Washington, Seattle"A powerful argument that polls do not merely misinform us but pose a genuine, if subtle, threat to our democracy."
—Mark Crispin Miller
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