Monday, August 30, 2010

The Fourth Liberation of Harry Mumia- a deep connection with your sense of spirituality....

G]]]]]]]]]]]]it folks,
you are very materialistic.......and I say this in the context of spirituality and spiritual things. I would like to refer you to the book by Deepak Chopra, enttiled Life after death....Then you will realise that you are ignoring 90% of existance or the term TO BE simply by slamming on spirituality....Because your angles are sooo materialistic, you tend to look at religion and religous things through a materialistic eye, and forget to see the whole.  Until you see the whole, you will continue to believe that religion is the opium of the people.....I and other followers of various faiths , which in todays world are referred to as religions, beleive that materialism is the opium of the people.....not spirituality......
Google Huffington post and read how all churches in New Orleans were destroyed by Hurrican Katrina except one......
Talk to anyone who has lived in the western world and they will tell you about spiritual poverty, of a kind that makes the daughter of an american ambassadorto Thailand  called John jump from a 22nd floor apartment building.........
You will learn of people who live int he Nanny state called NOrway who still are so addicted to drugs that they sleep in the streets. ...using drugs to blot out the lack of spirituality ............
The list is endless,  From Deepak, you will learn that there is nothing like Chance, and that God exists, and you will learn how this applies to your christian faith , or any other faith without blotting out the spirituality  He uses metaphysics and quantum physics and very high end science to explain the existance of God......and even explores the gap between religion or spirituality and science....since he is not a christian fanatic, you will be more open to his words and explanations......

From: Harry <>
To: Harrison Mumia N <>; young proffessionals <>;
Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 9:06:30 AM
Subject: *** The Fourth Liberation - Religious Liberation !!!

G*********t folks,

There are a few things that have happened in the last few months that religious folk, especially Christians, should be happy about.


One of Indonesia's most active volcanoes erupted Friday, sending lava and a searing gas cloud tumbling down its slopes. At least four people were feared dead, officials said, and several others were seriously hurt. This is good news to the saved, since it signals the ever elusive coming of Christ. We also have something going on in Chile folks. 33 miners have been trapped nearly half a mile inside the earth and facing perhaps four months before rescue. This happened after an earthquake blocked all exit points that the miners could use to evacuate. Again, this must have been predicted in the Holy Book and sends a strong message to non-Christians like me. That we may be caught unawares by the arrival of Christ. And we should be very worried. But of course to me this is bu*****it.


But a far more important to me was the discovery by an archeologist who discovered the hide of a dinosaur that lived 65 million years ago. I watched with amazement on Discovery Channel as the rock containing the remains was transported to Los Angeles laboratory. DNA tests revealed that the dinosaur was closely related to the Birds, as we know them today, which makes evolution very real. Jesus came to the world 2000 years ago, while we having evidence of life 65 000 000 yrs ago....What??? And while we thought that AIDS was a disease brought by God as a punishment to the immoral, some scientists (from the west) observed that some prostitutes in the slums of Nairobi were infected with HIV , but never got sick. This led to the belief that they could hold a key to discovering a cure for HIV. Again, here you can either look at prostitutes as immoral or good for science and research. It depends on how religious you are. And this brings me to my next point.


Let me mention that having promulgated the Constitution, the next frontier will be what i call Religious Liberation - The fourth Liberation. The day we shall stop thinking of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as a sign of the coming of someone, and relate it to the tectonic plates, is the day we shall undergo the fourth liberation. Religion is the greatest hindrance to free thought that leads to discoveries and this weakness i see especially in African countries.


Until we shun religion, we are likely to stagnate both in thought and technological advancement against the already developed west. 

Harrison Mumia N
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