Maurice, You cannot defend a lady who "innocently knowing" scandalised a whole community in the name of generating some " humour ". I think the lady should appologise in good faith for adding that extra but damaging section.I dont think you are capable of pulling the railway line in Kebera from Canada or you can expect me to start throwing stones in the streets of Shanghai any time anyhowly or Jagem Konyiego to wait for somebody to read for him the Katiba.These are some form of blanket condemnations that should be resisted with all the force possible.We cannot sit back and watch people take us as a laughing stock. Ayuaya Masira. Shanghai China.
--- On Mon, 8/30/10, maurice oduor <> wrote:
From: maurice oduor <> Subject: Re: difference between Luoz, Luos, Jeng', Mjaluo, Jaluo and Mjaka? To: Date: Monday, August 30, 2010, 10:48 AM
Humphrey, I think she meant it in the spirit of humour. In fact i've seen this particular joke a few times in the past. The only new part is this one: N/B. All of the above have some things in common i.e;
ü They throw stones anyhow, anytime.
ü They vandalize the railway in Kibera (whatever their location)
ü They don't read Katiba because s'one reads for them.
Let's give the girl a break. It was an innocent mistake. Please. Courage, Maurice
From: HUMPHREY OMONDI <> To: Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 5:02:19 AM Subject: Re: difference between Luoz, Luos, Jeng', Mjaluo, Jaluo and Mjaka? Cathrene; I don't take this as some form of humor, but some simple childish thread from a simple and idle mind with some simple reasoning based on some simple facts gathered from some simple materials. In fact, to say the least, you neither know, nor do you understand the so called Luos, and your mind is a washed with some loose sewage from Kibera slums. You are just but nuts to think that Luos are only good at throwing stones, bla bla bla........ Humphrey,
From: Jagem K'Onyiego <> To: Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 4:40:05 AM Subject: Re: difference between Luoz, Luos, Jeng', Mjaluo, Jaluo and Mjaka? Is it possible that Luos are becoming a denominator in many forums and discussions. Even in Kibera their power can strike fear into a foreign invader to return a Grabbed Land. They can stop the major supply line, by using raw power to uproot the Railway line. This maybe so because today you find Luos everywhere. In Kenya alone their population, which we have been told time and again that is dwindling because of the "Big one", apparently has exploded beyond their previous numbers. The reality on the ground is that, soon Jaluo will overfill Nyanza. Their number is doing an Hussein Bolt past 5 million mark. So if you see Luos Luos Luos and Luos, don't worry; it is only that they are doing lots of love making. Everybody loves them while others would love to hate them, but do I say? Au siyoo?? Jagem
From: Ayuaya Masira <> To: Sent: Sat, August 28, 2010 8:12:34 PM Subject: Re: difference between Luoz, Luos, Jeng', Mjaluo, Jaluo and Mjaka? I thought it was meant for humour till I read the last section where the common denominator is throwing stones, pulling railway lines in Kebera from any part of the world and waiting for one person to read for them the constitution.That is degrading to say the least. Ayuaya Masira Shanghai China.
--- On Fri, 8/27/10, Dickens Mitawia <> wrote:
From: Dickens Mitawia <> Subject: Re: difference between Luoz, Luos, Jeng', Mjaluo, Jaluo and Mjaka? To: Cc: Date: Friday, August 27, 2010, 10:37 PM
I've no apologies to make about this, but Catherine, you are a black, stinking and greasy ass-hole. If your subject would have indicated that you are giving us comic relief, I'd have understood and smiled, but this.....? SIMPLE MIND.....!!!!!!!!
From: Catherine Namarome <> To: MlalaHoi <> Sent: Fri, August 27, 2010 1:54:56 AM Subject: difference between Luoz, Luos, Jeng', Mjaluo, Jaluo and Mjaka?
Did you know the difference between Luoz, Luos, Jeng', Mjaluo, Jaluo and Mjaka? Here's the difference. 1. Luoz - are all over the world yaani diasporic, highly educated and articulate. I mean Obama type of people... They will die supporting Arsenal FC, Brazil , All Blacks, Harambee Stars and Gor Mahia. 2. Luos - are born and raised in Kisumu, probably went to Kisumu Boys/Girls High schools, then joined Maseno University or Kisumu Poly, work along Oginga Odinga Street in Kisumu and have never travelled past Ahero! They adore boda boda and Guinness. 3. Jeng' - were probably born and raised in Nai (read Nairobi ), lived in Lang'ata or surrounding. Have been to shags once or twice for grandy's funeral coz paros insisted. Says his/her shags is In upcountry somewhere in Nyanza. You say "amosi omera" to them and they respond "niaje jo vipi". And they are only seen during Gor and AFC matches at City Stadium. 4. Mjaluo - was born in Mombasa , speaks swahili sanifu, broken English and no mother tongue. Full names are Otieno Abdalla or Anyango Amina.. Is a Muslim, lives in Ganjoni or surrounding and thinks Kisumu people are "watu wa bara". 5. Jaluo - Odhis ngima tek owada, we a bed e gweng' ka!! OMERA!!!! 6. Wajaka - are born and raised in Eastlands predominantly Ololo, Okongo, Jeri, Salem , Bangla, Ofaro, Marish, Mbote, and Huruma. They have never gone past Ungem and they only know that they are Luos because of their second names. They know Kisumu is a town near Nakuru, where you pass ukiishiia kwa kina mbuyu.. -- JOB VACANCIES: BLOG: unsubscribe from this group, Email mlalahoi+ unsubscribe@googlegroups.comTO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE M-PESA KSH 1,000 for each advert or Ksh 5,000 for monthly subscription to +254 726 034 530 TRAINING VIDEOS; CISM /TOEFL/ GMAT / GRE/ SAT / IELTS / CISSP / MCTS / CISA / CCNA / CCNP / MCSE / MCITP / PHP / PHOTOSHOP / DREAMWEAVER / WEB DESIGN and others, CALL 0726 034 530 -- JOB VACANCIES: TECHMTAA BLOG: To unsubscribe from this group, Email TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE M-PESA KSH 1,000 for each advert or Ksh 5,000 for monthly subscription to +254 726 034 530 TRAINING VIDEOS; CISM /TOEFL/ GMAT / GRE/ SAT / IELTS / CISSP / MCTS / CISA / CCNA / CCNP / MCSE / MCITP / PHP / PHOTOSHOP / DREAMWEAVER / WEB DESIGN and others, CALL 0726 034 530
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