I have been a participant in matters politics for a long while now. And i am a true believer in democratic practise both spirit and principle. That the Kalenjins who voted No had a right to make that decision is obvious. What appears apparent from my discussions with most of them is that they didn't quite vote NO because of the positives and negatives that were contained in the draft( now constitution) but rather to prove a point and puss some political lessons to perceived opponents politically. I can understand their pain at watching the whole world celebrate the passing of the new constitution. My point is this, for a while the Luos were accused of blindly following the Odingas, i cant seem to understand a whole community picking up an individuals selfish personal drive for power becoming an issue for the all the kalenjins. This disparacy and anger will be your demise and God for bit that you stay out of power for another five years, just because of one mans hunger for power. What is the anger about and how can the whole community get so desperate they are ready to sleep with the devil for revenge. Aren't their any more sober people in that area?
--- On Wed, 25/8/10, Mathews Ng'ong'ah <ngongabm@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Mathews Ng'ong'ah <ngongabm@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: : RAILA IS HOUNDING A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW - MBARE OTIENO PHD, PROFESSOR To: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com Date: Wednesday, 25 August, 2010, 14:54
Dan, How I wish you could realize that there is nothing wrong with what you call Luo Nyanza. The people there are just as good/bad as any Kenyan from whatever spot you may imagine. So whatever each individual in Luo Nyanza thinks/says should be judged similarly democratically. The efforts to stigmatize or stereotype them is wrong, unless you can prove crime in what they are doing. Regards BM.
--- On Wed, 8/25/10, Daniel moiko <dmoiko@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Daniel moiko <dmoiko@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: : RAILA IS HOUNDING A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW - MBARE OTIENO PHD, PROFESSOR To: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 12:06 AM
@Paul Nyandoto, you go calling Dr Mbare a bitter man yet i see it is you who very misinformed. From what i have read and followed on the politics just prior to the referendum vote till now, we have been reading just what Dr Mbare has written about. If people do not accept that we can agree to disagree, then i do not know what kind of democracy we are talkin about. what is so wrong with other ODM politicians holding a divergent view from what the party states??, and is that is the case, where would you put the almost 3 million kenyans who voted against the constitution??? Do you then dump them somewhere in the indian ocean because they went against the wishes of the President of the republic. it is very correct that there is something very wrong with Luo Nyanza, and it is high time they stopped looking at some of their leaders the way they do. It is like following someone blindly irrespective of whther the guy leads you right into a pit. As a sane and intelligent person, it is very important to be critical of what you hear and what you then do, isnt it what happened with most christians?? they just did not follow thier leaders blindly, they were able to judge and arrive at what their hearts led them to do. So Paul, dont just write anything without first looking at the facts that have been laid out beofre you, it is high time you stopped idolising the person you are idolising, you looked really misinformed. Dan
From: milu muyanga <wamuyanga@yahoo.com> To: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com Sent: Tue, August 24, 2010 8:59:58 PM Subject: Re: : RAILA IS HOUNDING A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW - MBARE OTIENO PHD, PROFESSOR Okinda, I admire the maturity with which you have approached this issue. I also admire the way you guys are organizing, other counties definitely have lessons to learn from you. *************************************** "I have spoken, now you can kill me". Manundu Mbindyo, Kyatune
From: jt okinda <archjt2004@yahoo.com> To: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com Sent: Tue, August 24, 2010 8:28:45 AM Subject: Re: : RAILA IS HOUNDING A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW - MBARE OTIENO PHD, PROFESSOR Milu,
The issues Dr. Otieno Mbare raised are very pertinent. Democracy dictates tolerance to other people`s view points whether you are in agreement or not.Nyanza leadership must wake up to the reality that Kenyans will move on with or without them. They have to be tolerant to alternative opinions.
I was amused yesterday to read a piece from Jakoyo Midiwo that those who took the no position on the referendum will not be part of the implementation process. This is laughable because kenyans of all shades were in agreement that some sections of the draft required amendments. There were those who expressed a need for amendment before the votes. People like us felt we could pass the draft and look at various sections later for possibility of amendments. It does not require much learning to appreciate that not all Kenyans could vote yes. Their no votes does not make them less of Kenyans!
While Otieno is not with us on the ground, we are busy working out strategies to ensure the new county concept gives room for all of us to contribute our part in building a stable and prosperous region for all the inhabitants. There has been several meetings among the professionals from Migori and Homabay to work out appropriate strategy for Political management of the two counties without outside influence. Those of us from the Siaya county will be meeting early next month to work out modalities of managing our new county. One thing which is clear is that people demand fairness in the distribution of resources and political posts. All have agreed that we shall support Raila for President come 2012. Bondo is therefore politically covered within the county. We expect Gem,Alego/Usonga, Ugenya/Uholo,Rarieda to occupy the remaining posts of Senator, Governor, Deputy Governor, Women Senator, Youth Representative. We believe we have the numbers to get us through come 2012.
We expect this time round that we do not have to look over our shoulders and endorse candidates on the basis of a godfather. All who expect to lead must be their own people capable of standing up on their own!
From: milu muyanga <wamuyanga@yahoo.com> To: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com Sent: Tue, August 24, 2010 5:36:27 AM Subject: Re: : RAILA IS HOUNDING A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW - MBARE OTIENO PHD, PROFESSOR While Dr. Otieno Mbare is not known to me personally, I am afraid he is raising very important issues here. Mr. Paul Nyandoto seems to know Dr. Mbare very well and deliberately wants to divert our attention to some personal issues. He should start another thread on the character of Dr. Mbare. Can members comment on the substance contained in Dr.Mbare's posting. *************************************** "I have spoken, now you can kill me". Manundu Mbindyo, Kyatune
From: Paul Nyandoto <paul.nyandoto@phsotey.fi> To: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com; awachtin@yahoo.com Sent: Mon, August 23, 2010 2:18:09 PM Subject: : RAILA IS HOUNDING A LOT OF PEOPLE NOW - MBARE OTIENO PHD, PROFESSOR
Otieno Mbare BSc, Msc,PHD etc. I am not a politician and I do not want to be a politician. I have already politicians from my family tree and I know what politics is, so me I have chosen a different line: I advice you to leave begging people like Raila to help you jump into parliament. You are a biter man who have failed I do not know how many times to go to parliament and it looks that your last hope was Raila and when Raila did not give you the TOSHA word he gave Kibaki you are now hitting almost every corner for revange. Just a minute !! by the way when you wanted Raila to give you Tosha word what were you thinking?. Is that not the wrong things you are now criticising below here . In other words you are just a patient in denial or what?. I must have missed the diagnosis thanks for clearing the air. If the ODM party is such a joke why can n` you form another party with Ruto I hear you are friends even in conversation privately. Look at even how you reason; what the hell are you going to do in parliament with such mentality?. Infact one chap in this forum said that most of the Phd holders are the worst leaders who can not even lead a company, I thought he was joking but now I do support him. Be worried when most people agree with you but take more care when everybody is against you,especially your posting below here: Paul Nyandoto From: Kasipul Kabondo <,> Sender: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 08:51:22 -0700 (PDT) To: kca_main<kca_main@yahoogroups.com>; <africa-oped@yahoogroups.com> ReplyTo: mlalahoi@googlegroups.com Cc: <NewVisionKenya@yahoogroups.com>; NVK-M MAGEUZI<NVK-Mageuzi@yahoogroups.com>; Mlalahoi<mlalahoi@googlegroups.com>; <kisumu@standardmedia.co.ke>; <mombasa@standardmedia.co.ke>; <eldoret@standardmedia.co.ke>; <kakamega@standardmedia.co.ke>; <abarasa@standardmedia.co.ke>; <digitalnews@nation.co.ke>; <newsdesk@nation.co.ke>; <bdnewsdesk@nation.co.ke> Subject: Press Release: Post-Referendum and Party Discipline
Post-Referendum and Party Discipline After the much-talked about referendum was over, Kenyans in all corners of the republic of Kenya breathed a sigh of relief that after all the name calling and finger pointing, everything went peacefully. That's what Kenyans have been yawning for. It's therefore in order to congratulate those who spearheaded the YES campaigns and equally congratulate those who championed the NO crusade. Democracy requires that people hold divergent views even though they may come from the same party. It's against this background that a considerable number of Kenyans find it rather odd that the ODM party is calling for a disciplinary action on members of the party who had expressed contrary views to that of the party. I have said it many times that the referendum was not a party issue but rather, a national issue that required thorough reading, understanding and proper interpretation on how the new law will impact on your life and that of posterity before casting your vote. The call for disciplinary action by ODM is therefore na?ve and borders on ignorance – it negates the very essence of a referendum; it's a call that flies with its filth in the face of democracy yet it's emanating from the very party which touts itself as the custodian of democracy in Kenya. I think ODM need to borrow a leaf from PNU which also had critics of the constitution but it's now water under the bridge. There was no winner or loser in the referendum. We need to tolerate and accommodate all the views as a young democracy. We might think we are instilling discipline yet we are just destroying our party. ODM as a party has been on a self-destruction-path just immediately after signing the national accord that paved way for power sharing. Most MPs in ODM lack proper judgment; they are intolerant and; are not ready for rational discourse. This attitude by mostly Nyanza MPs has alienated many supporters of the party from Coast to Kisii; and from Rift Valley to Eastern. Surely, how does ODM expect to get any national following after descending on all their support bases with such vehemence? Someone needs to advise the party that you cannot expect to run the party like "buch jodong aich" (baraza la miji kumi) and expect Kenyans to provide support again. That can only happen in Luo-Nyanza where people go with any euphoria and recollect themselves later after electing bad leaders. As a person from Nyanza, we need men and women who can transact business on our behalf with others from other communities – not characters who are hell-bent on alienating us from the rest of other Kenyans! The hard-line positions being taken by some Nyanza MPs indicate that majority of these leaders badly need civic education. Some of these leaders are highly learned but lack education on how democracy works. They should understand that people will always have different opinions in a democracy and that is why Kenyans have been fighting for more democratic space in the country. It's a pity that Nyanza leaders were at the forefront agitating for democracy in Kenya but a visit to my Nyanza backyard will tell you that Nyanza believes in a One-Party dictatorship – our people don't believe in democracy! They called president Moi names and all sorts of epithets – but they are stuck in a one-party dictatorship. In short, our people have not understood the meaning of multi-partism! If they believe, you would have seen different results in the just concluded referendum. Anyone doubting my assertions only need to check the way Nyanza voted compared to the rest of the country (even the Rift Valley which was the strong hold of NO), and you will agree with me that a lot of civic education is needed in Nyanza. Nyanza has many good leaders but our political culture (the culture of patronage and intimidation) has not allowed these sons and daughters of Ramogi to provide acceptable leadership. It's the same bad political culture that some leaders are trying to export to the national politics. ODM will soon become a Luo party if some Nyanza leaders are not tamed! Dr. Otieno Mbare, Finland
Otieno Mbare, P.hD (Econ & Bus.Adm) Research Fellow, ?bo Akademi University & Lecturer, Turku University of Applied Sciences Tel. +358 2 2154 095 (off1)+358 2 2154 976 (Off) +358 40 5341 996 | -- JOB VACANCIES: http://www.myafricancareer.net TECHMTAA BLOG: http://www.techmtaa.com/ To unsubscribe from this group, Email mlalahoi+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE M-PESA KSH 1,000 for each advert or Ksh 5,000 for monthly subscription to +254 726 034 530 TRAINING VIDEOS; CISM /TOEFL/ GMAT / GRE/ SAT / IELTS / CISSP / MCTS / CISA / CCNA / CCNP / MCSE / MCITP / PHP / PHOTOSHOP / DREAMWEAVER / WEB DESIGN and others, CALL 0726 034 530 -- JOB VACANCIES: http://www.myafricancareer.net TECHMTAA BLOG: http://www.techmtaa.com/ To unsubscribe from this group, Email mlalahoi+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE M-PESA KSH 1,000 for each advert or Ksh 5,000 for monthly subscription to +254 726 034 530 TRAINING VIDEOS; CISM /TOEFL/ GMAT / GRE/ SAT / IELTS / CISSP / MCTS / CISA / CCNA / CCNP / MCSE / MCITP / PHP / PHOTOSHOP / DREAMWEAVER / WEB DESIGN and others, CALL 0726 034 530 -- JOB VACANCIES: http://www.myafricancareer.net TECHMTAA BLOG: http://www.techmtaa.com/ To unsubscribe from this group, Email mlalahoi+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE M-PESA KSH 1,000 for each advert or Ksh 5,000 for monthly subscription to +254 726 034 530 TRAINING VIDEOS; CISM /TOEFL/ GMAT / GRE/ SAT / IELTS / CISSP / MCTS / CISA / CCNA / CCNP / MCSE / MCITP / PHP / PHOTOSHOP / DREAMWEAVER / WEB DESIGN and others, CALL 0726 034 530 -- JOB VACANCIES: http://www.myafricancareer.net TECHMTAA BLOG: http://www.techmtaa.com/ To unsubscribe from this group, Email mlalahoi+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE M-PESA KSH 1,000 for each advert or Ksh 5,000 for monthly subscription to +254 726 034 530 TRAINING VIDEOS; CISM /TOEFL/ GMAT / GRE/ SAT / IELTS / CISSP / MCTS / CISA / CCNA / CCNP / MCSE / MCITP / PHP / PHOTOSHOP / DREAMWEAVER / WEB DESIGN and others, CALL 0726 034 530 -- JOB VACANCIES: http://www.myafricancareer.net TECHMTAA BLOG: http://www.techmtaa.com/ To unsubscribe from this group, Email mlalahoi+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE M-PESA KSH 1,000 for each advert or Ksh 5,000 for monthly subscription to +254 726 034 530 TRAINING VIDEOS; CISM /TOEFL/ GMAT / GRE/ SAT / IELTS / CISSP / MCTS / CISA / CCNA / CCNP / MCSE / MCITP / PHP / PHOTOSHOP / DREAMWEAVER / WEB DESIGN and others, CALL 0726 034 530
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