Consultancy on 

Final Evaluation of the project:
To Prevent and Respond to All Forms of Violence against Children by Establishing National Child Protection Systems in
In Butere district (Western), Tharaka district (Eastern) and Msambweni district (Coast) Provinces of
Save the Children Finland (SCF) is a member of Save the Children International whose mission is to inspire breakthrough in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Through its regional programme in Eastern
Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children (KAACR) is a registered national NGO with the mission to advocate for and promote the realization of children's rights, both girls and boys in
Save the Children Finland (SCF), in partnership with KAACR have since 2008 been implementing a three year project whose goal is to 'reduce violence, abuse and exploitation of all children in
The project targets disadvantaged children and school pupils, organizations working with children, relevant government authorities (National Council of Children Services - NCCS, Department of Children Services in the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Health (MoH), local leaders, parents, teachers, and other school staff, police, communities and AACs. In addition, there are other stakeholders in the project who include International Non-Governmental Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, CRC committees and the media. Besides, the project seeks to strengthen the National Child Protection Systems (NCPS) through developing good practices at the local level that can be disseminated and replicated elsewhere. To this end the project is piloting a rights based approach, aimed at empowering the local stakeholders, duty bearers and right holders through advocacy, capacity development and attitude change.
Violence against children in
As the 3 year project comes to an end, KAACR is committed to ensuring that procedures in child protection are in use by all who are in contact with children in the project areas and ultimately influencing the entire
2.1 Overall objective
The overall objective is to evaluate the achieved results, implementation strategies and progress towards the goal and to document the lessons learnt.
2.2 Specific objectives
- The evaluation team shall indicate for each expected result what has been accomplished in relation to what has been stated in the project document and logical framework.
- The evaluation shall include an analysis of the project performance, strengths and challenges and assess the overall effects of the intervention (intended and unintended, short-term and long-term, positive and negative)
- The overall evaluation shall also include a discussion around relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.
- Relevance: The extent to which the objectives and results of the project are consistent with right-holders' requirements, duty bearers' needs and country level policies.
- Effectiveness: The extent to which the objectives have been achieved or are expected to be achieved.
- Efficiency: How well the various activities have transformed the available resources into the intended results, in terms of quantity, quality and time.
- Sustainability: The degree to which the benefits produced will continue after the termination of external support.
- Relevance: The extent to which the objectives and results of the project are consistent with right-holders' requirements, duty bearers' needs and country level policies.
- Assess to what extent and how the project has increased the awareness on child rights of primary duty bearers, communities, children, partners and other stakeholders. Also assess the capacity of the communities to prevent and protect children from violations and hold duty bearers to account.
· Assess the impact of project activities on the target beneficiary groups.
- Assess the partnership between the two organisations: achievements, strengths and challenges.
- Assess the extent/effectiveness of coordination with partner agencies, community, children, local leaders and relevant district offices.
- Assess the monitoring and advocacy strategies of the project: what kinds of systems/methods were used, if any and how effective they were.
- Assess the value added through incorporating Child Participation into project cycle management.
· Based on the evaluation findings, make recommendations for future projects of SCF, KAACR and other child protection stakeholders.
2.3 Suggested Methodology
The work plan will contain information including, but not limited to:
- Work schedule
- Assessment methodologies; target respondents
- Roles and responsibilities of Consultant, SCF and KAACR
- Information collection/translations of relevant materials and questionnaires
The work plan will act as guide between the consultant and SCF as to how the analysis is to be conducted and results expected within the given timeframe.
The consultant(s) is/are responsible for carrying out the evaluation in an objective manner. However, both project partners (SCF and KAACR) will be involved in and contributing to the evaluation. Staff from other SC members may be invited to participate in the fieldwork exercise during the evaluation; to enhance the spirit of cooperation among SC members. It is recommended to use the various Child Rights Programming tools in assessing and presenting the results.
The project is being implemented in three Provinces in
· Discussions with representatives of at least three (3) relevant Governmental departments in each District/Division shall be held, including the Department of Children's Services, Department of Education, Department of Public Health, Local Government and Internal Security (police, AP).
· Community representatives and CBOs involved in the project shall be interviewed/ assessed. Focus group discussions with at least three (3) Community leaders (Chiefs), AAC members, parents, teachers, school staff, Police, other community members and CRC Committees in each SCF areas of focus will be carried out, to assess their views on the project in terms of impacts and changes realised.
· Focus group discussions shall be carried out with children club members in at least five (5) Primary schools as well as children outside those clubs in Butere, Tharaka and Msambweni Districts, in order to assess how the project has advanced child participation and other principles of the CRC. The interviews shall be conducted in accordance with SCF guidelines for interviewing children.
· As capacity building was one of the key issues the project aimed to improve, it will be essential to evaluate its levels within the project as well.
2.4 Required Outputs/Presentation of the Results
The consultant(s) is expected to produce a consolidated quality report, which documents the good practices, weaknesses and lessons learnt. In addition to the report, the consultant shall submit data on methodology used, interview outlines, list of people interviewed /met, etc. After the draft report has been circulated to the project partners and other relevant stakeholders the consultant shall present the findings in the stakeholders' validation meeting.
The consultant shall submit the final report in three (3) bound hard copies and one soft copy on a CD in Microsoft Word and any other complementary annexes in other compatible formats. The report should include a summary, assessment on each of the TOR specific objectives and groups interviewed. The Final Report would at the very least contain, but not be restricted to, the following:
-Executive Summary (including main conclusions and recommendations);
-Background with analysis of the regional context;
-Description of the objectives of the consultancy and assessment methodology;
-Findings, Analysis, Constraints encountered and Recommendations;
-Annexes (TOR, abbreviations, persons interviewed, documentation reviewed or references, tables with survey data, questionnaire forms used, etc.).
The implementing partner KAACR will conduct the dissemination of the findings and lessons learnt, which means the consultant shall have no copyright of the report.
- Higher level University degree in social sciences or related field
- A minimum of five years of successful experience in the area of child protection or child rights
- Demonstrated prior work /consultancy experience in conducting evaluations, capacity assessment of development projects and research of child protection or child rights programmes
- Strong interviewing and communication skills in a field-based setting
- Excellent analytical and report writing skills
· Professional competence and solid technical experience in matters of the UN CRC and other legal instruments for the promotion of children's rights, and child rights programming as an approach to development
- Ability and experience in working with children
- Fluency in written and spoken English and Swahili languages
- Knowledge of the local situations and cultures of the areas of focus will be an added advantage
4.1 Indicative Starting Date
The review of background material can start in October 2010. The fieldwork should take place in October/November 2010. The schedule has to be agreed beforehand by SCF, KAACR and the consultant.
4.2 Duration and Location(s) of Assignment
The field work will take place in Butere, Tharaka and Msambweni Districts, with the duration of at least seven (7) working days in each location. The project will provide local transportation during the exercise.
The consultancy is estimated to take 30 working days during October - November 2010. The draft report must be submitted to partners by 15th November and the final report must be submitted by 30th November 2010.
The consultant will report to the Regional Representative, Save the Children Finland Eastern Africa Regional Office (SCF EARO).
The Regional Programme Manager (SCF), Child Rights Advisor (SCF) and Programme Manager (KAACR) will provide the documents mentioned under Annexes. They will also provide technical assistance (e.g. make the practical travel arrangements, assist in making appointments, assist in finalizing the programme, avail any other documents and information needed etc).
The total cost of consultancy shall not exceed the lump sum of Euro 6000 (including accommodation, allowances, materials, travel costs etc). The contract is subject to withholding tax.
The consultancy fee will be paid in three instalments: 30% upon signing the contract, 30% when the draft report is approved and 40% when the final report is approved.
The following documents will be availed for the consultant
7.1 Project document and logical framework
7.2 Quarterly and annual implementation reports
7.4 Training reports
7.5 Child Rights Programming Manual
7.6 Guidelines for interviewing children, Save the Children
7.7 Programme Manual, Save the Children
7.8 Monitoring plan and advocacy plan of the project 7.9 CP guidelines
Other documents will be available upon request. If you need more information, please contact The Executive Director. KAACR, Tel. +254-020 4450256/7.
Signing the contract; acceptance of final TOR Meeting with SCF Regional Representative and programme staff | ½ day | Contract, TOR | Payment 1st installment |
Review of the background material | 2 ½ days | | Documents availed by CRA (SCF) and RPM (SCF), PM |
Meeting with KAACR management and staff | 1 day | | |
Fieldwork; visiting community groups/ school clubs | 15 days | | Butetre, Tharaka and Msambweni Districts |
Visits to Government officials and other stakeholders | 3 day | | " " |
Draft report preparation | 3 days | | |
Presentation of findings / feedback forum | ½ day | | Payment 2nd installment |
Editing and incorporating final comments | 4 days | | |
Final report | ½ day | Written report (approved by all stakeholders). | Payment 3rd installment |
Interested applicants for consultancy are invited to send their work plans/ technical proposals (including methodology and budget) with CV to KAACR kaacr@kaacr.com and cc to Save the Children Finland, Eastern Africa Regional Office admin@savethechildrenfin.or.ke. The deadline of applications is 5th October 2010.
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