Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Re: Alai, Karegwa Muchiri on Al Amin Kimathi

Do I need to say anything? BTW I am still waiting for the suite which
Ndungu Wainaina was to serve me. And what is wrong in serving the
Kenyan security aparatus. I am patriotic to this country and I will
never allow anyone to sell our intergrity just because Al-Shabaab is
screwing my ass. You sell your country so cheaply thinking that you
are defending human rights. And Orina you are a cheap busy body.
People you started with are mature in career and deal in higher level.
You are a desperado whom even Bomachoge community rejected. You are
like intestines from a dead cow. Ombich for dogs

On Sep 29, 1:52 pm, orina Nyamwamu <> wrote:
> Karegwa Muchiri,
> I want to organize a public forum for you to come and explain precisely what you stand for.  This crazy business of calling for the incaceration of other people with impunity while the real Al qaeda or Al shabab terrorists walk on our streets is unacceptable.
> If you are ready to present your paper on: Why the government should break the law in order to let Terrorists walk free then let me know.
> And do not forget what I revealed here about Alai when he said Ndung'u Wainaina had broken into his offices to attract donor money.  Alai is a mouth piece for the intelligence who is used to fight back the human rights activists so that they do not raise a voice against police torture and state terrorism. So predictable Alai is.
> Amen
> --- On Tue, 9/28/10, Salah Sheikh <> wrote:
> From: Salah Sheikh <>
> Subject: Re: Al Amin Kimathi
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 12:09 PM
> Karegwa Muchiri,
> people are being detained in Uganda not because the have committed a crime but because crimes are dossiers are being manufactured and trumped up and they are being tortured to accept it. The whole thing is very suspicious. The dossiers being manufactured are like a Hollywood movie connecting countries, peoples and organizations, too precise to be believable even to a nursery student.
> Al-Amin is a prisoner of politics not any crime he committed and any sane Kenyan who is not suffering xenophobia like you, Ogaro and Ali can see it.
> From: karegwa muchiri <>
> To:;
> Sent: Tue, September 28, 2010 12:40:58 PM
> Subject: RE: Al Amin Kimathi
>  Beatrice Kamau you surprise me that you should be concerned about Almin and his children and his so called loved ones.. If he is innocent, there is nothing to worry and his loved ones have nothing to worry. I am surprised you are not worried about the loved ones of the innocent 70 plus people who died in Uganda from the cowardly terror act. Cyprian argues that the security agencies broke the law by taking the suspects to Uganda, true true but why didnt they arrest some  farmers in  Kwale or Siaya as suspects?. The law is broken all the time and should be broken in public interest. This is not double standards. Its the reality of the past, present and the future.  Suspects nabbed  earlier incriminated their brothers in crime and thats why security forces nabbed them easily. Some have even confessed the role they played in the terrorist actions in Uganda. Lets avoid sentimentalism  in matters so grave. Perhaps our so called human rights activists
>  might want  to tell us why suddenly they  are no longer sentimental about the victims of PEV who are still in camps than to waste time looking for relevance over Almin  Kimathi self sought misfortune? .  Almin Kimathi  took himself to Uganda and he will be charged and the truth will be known   very soon. His  true identity will come out sooner that later. Only time will tell. Press conferences and press releases  only encourage and motivate terrorists that they have allies when innocent terror victims are long dead and forgotten  while  their loved ones continue to suffer....
> Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 23:50:44 -0700
> From:
> Subject: Re: Al Amin Kimathi
> To:
> God forgive those who want to be judges of others like Robert Alai and and Jonah Ongaro.
> When you write please be sensitive to others especially the children and loved ones of Alamin and the other suspects.  Remember they are all innocent until proven guilty. They all have a right to a fair trial and that is all we are asking for. Even if today Robert and Jonah were arrested in unclear circumstances, we would stand up and demand that you be given a fair hearing/trial because it is your basic right.
> Have a blessed day
> Beatrice G. Kamau
> Executive Director
> Social Reform Centre (SOREC)
> --- On Mon, 9/27/10, orina Nyamwamu <> wrote:
> From: orina Nyamwamu <>
> Subject: Al Amin Kimathi
> To:
> Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 4:05 PM
> I was right to have given up on people who think that the instrument of citizens protest is to be applied to protest against civilians- suspects who have been arrested by governments. If you politicize terrorism in the region and start to believe governments are telling you blindly you shall be in so much trouble.
> You protest against actions of governments' omission or commission. You condemn citizens who act in a manner that is despicable.
> And before you issue a statement you wait to get official confirmation of what has happened and who has done it.
> As we were waiting for intelligence on the Uganda terrorist act, the government of Kenya had already broken the constitution by renditioning Kenyans to Kampala.
> Now when do you know propaganda from the truth?
> The Israel government has recently sent its agents to kill people in far away lands. Governments all over the world stage terrorist acts so frequently. When do we know an act of  civilian terrorism from that of state terrorism?
> I pray for some wit
> --- On Sat, 9/25/10, Jonah Ogaro <> wrote:
> From: Jonah Ogaro <>
> Subject: RE: Charging of Al Amin Kimathi - I believe he is a terrorists Propagandist
> To: "mlalahoi mlalahoi" <>
> Date: Saturday, September 25, 2010, 7:34 AM
> #yiv308829842 .yiv308829842ExternalClass #yiv308829842ecxyiv750080318 #yiv308829842ecxyiv750080318yiv215696672 .yiv308829842ecxyiv750080318yiv215696672hmmessage P
> {padding:0px;}
> #yiv308829842 .yiv308829842ExternalClass #yiv308829842ecxyiv750080318 #yiv308829842ecxyiv750080318yiv215696672 .yiv308829842ecxyiv750080318yiv215696672hmmessage
> {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}
>  I agree with Robert.
> Al Amin Kimathi should have led a demonstration to denounce the bombing of Kampala. The we could have know he is a good man. He loves Al-Faisal more than the over 70 innocent people who were killed. He loves Al-Faisal more than the Jamaicans. He loves Al-Faisal more than the peace keepers who are killed in Somalia. Kimathi only becomes active when suspected terrorists have been arrested. I totally support the Uganda Government in arresting these people. I also support the Kenyan Government for the cooperation with Uganda.
> Terrorists do not want a central Government in Somalia. They are killing people who have gone to help them e.g AMISOM. Uganda soldiers have been casualties. Surely H.H. President Museveni cannot keep quiete. He is doing a good job. I believe ordinary Somali's want peace in their country.
> What do terrorists want? We read in the papers that they have been targeting Nairobi and Mombasa. I thought they should be more happy because Kenyans passed a muslim friendly constitution.
> From:
> Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 07:58:05 +0300
> Subject: Charging of Al Amin Kimathi - I believe he is a terrorists Propagandist
> To:;;;
> Security matters should be left to the security bodies. I believe and suspect that Al Amin Kimathi supports and talks for terrorists. Al Amin is very vocal when suspected terrorists are arrested but never vocal when ordinary muslims are arrested. I believe that Al Amin Kimathi is a spokesman for Al-Qaeda and he should be ready to clear his name in a court of law.
> His behaviour at the demo to support Al-Faisal reinforced my view. Our security iss more important than the rights of a few fundamentalists be they Christians, Budhists, Muslims or Atheists
> Robert Alai
> Blogger / Net Evangelist
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 11:54 AM, L. Muthoni Wanyeki <> wrote:
> FYI…the joint CS and KNCHR statement on the charging of Al Amin Kimathi
> in Uganda released Wednesday morning in the presence of his wife,
> who still hasn't been able to communicate with him.
> NB: please note that this is a corrected version of what was released (small edits, with the names of the organisations who came, which weren't on the one that the media received).  Please note too that anybody who received the first corrected version last evening should use this version instead.  Primarily because I'd erroneously included HRW on the list of organisations who came, which I shouldn't have as everything released in their name has to go through its internal process first.  So HRW was present, its own statement was given as part of the documentation, but it did not sign onto this one.
> Update: The charges are as
> per the charge sheets of the other 37 suspects, involving acts of terror
> resulting in the deaths of 70 persons ie. he stands accused of
> involvement in the July 11 bombings.
> Of the 38 suspects, 13 are Kenyan and, of those, 9 were illegally
> renditioned for purposes of this trial (when legal extradiction was an
> option and a fairly standard procedure, which the Government of Tanzania
> has followed in respect of Tanzanian suspects, for example). Two of the
> wives of the nine were also present at the press conference.
> As previously mentioned, there are a number of organizations following
> up on different aspects: a) ensuring continued monitoring of the trials
> of the Kenyan suspects; b) strengthening the legal defense for and
> possibly mounting a legal challenge to Al Amin's charging given his HRD
> status; c) trying to raise and get his case addressed politically, again
> given his HRD status. If anybody not already engaged wants to help on
> any of those aspects, please let Hassan Omar of the KNCHR:
> <> or myself know.
> Asante!
> Muthoni.
> --
> L. Muthoni Wanyeki
> Executive Director
> Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) ...
> read more »

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