Bure kabisa.....
On 10/22/10, Paul Liyai <pauliyai@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Harry
> I think here your exposing your intellectual impoverishment. You have never
> asked yourself where science started. Science for you information was
> discovered by Christian Monks, Christian Teachers. sons of Christian
> ministers who had an opportunity to attend Christian schools in Monasteries
> and Temples. Galileo studied in a Jesuit monastery.Copernicus was a priest
> from 1496, the discoveries these two guys made were not against what the
> Bible teaches in any way, the discoveries were against the existing
> knowledge. The two were excommunicated not because they refuted the
> existence of God, but because they went against what the entire leadership
> of the church believed and taught. The bible never taught that the sun goes
> around the earth, If you have any scripture teaching this, show me.
> Give one name of any scientist who was not connected to any Religion in the
> middle ages and I will believe all that you said. God does reveal Himself to
> us progressively, there are alot of things we do not know now. Science told
> us that Pluto was a planet, now they are telling us that Pluto is not a
> planet.Does that make us disbelieve all what science teaches?"It was
> discovered in 1930 and was long considered our solar system's ninth
> planet. But after the discovery of similar intriguing worlds deeper in
> the distant Kuiper Belt, icy Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet". Do
> we still believe that all the remaining 8 planets are still planets? Yes we
> do. So Harry, just because we get new knowledge whenever we delve in
> research does not mean we stop believing in the existance of God.
> Harry, before you post anything here, please read widely .You have a world
> of information just a click away on many issues. You are trying to show
> yourself to be a thinker or a scholar of some kind but whatever you are
> postulating here is none of yours. From what I have seen, and I think people
> on this forum will agree with me, that you just cut and paste some
> Information from the internet and then try to pick an argument. How many
> papers have you written that have been published in any journal? I am
> curious about your educational background. I would like to know whether I am
> dealing with a person who is an authority in a certain field otherwise it
> would be a waste of time throwing jabs at non-existent shadows.
> Now when you tell us that Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad stories are a
> myth, what do you mean? Do you mean they never existed? I would like to read
> something that you have written yourself not what you have cut and pasted.
> My understanding from what you have posted here is that you were really
> mesmerized by what you got from the internet. I presume the internet is one
> of your recent discoveries. What you are telling us to read here is what we
> read long time ago before you went to high school. You are telling us
> nothing new. Before you open your computer to get whatever you are calling
> new, we have already looked at it critically and already classified it as
> either rubbish or sensational or fact or food for thought.
> Warning! Please Harry take care of what you say. You allowed to call Jesus
> and Christians any names, we do not care. You can abuse Jesus, blaspheme Him
> and do what ever you wish- because He endured all that- but keep off Islam.
> Because you are endangering your life for nothing and this forum because we
> do not want what happened to Rushdie and the Danish cartoonist to befall
> you.
> Remember, some of us have dealt with the issues of Copernicus, Galileo,
> Darwin, and many others that you have never heard of critically and have
> done extensive in-depth studies of the same. We have also formed our stand
> points in regard to what they stood for.
> Thanks
> Read more: Nicolaus Copernicus Biography - life, family, death, history,
> young, book, information, born, time, year
> http://www.notablebiographies.com/Co-Da/Copernicus-Nicolaus.html#ixzz134TGtEpN---
> On Thu, 10/21/10, Harry <hmumia@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Harry <hmumia@gmail.com>
> Subject: *** Proof that Jesus and Muhammad Stories are Myths
> To: "Mlalahoi" <mlalahoi@googlegroups.com>, "young proffessionals"
> <youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com>, "Harrison Mumia N"
> <hmumia@gmail.com>, giving-it-straight@googlegroups.com
> Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 10:47 PM
> Folks, G**********t,
> While the concept of Jesus emerged merely 2000 years ago, and that
> of Muhammad barely 1000 years ago, it will be interesting to note that the
> universe, in which our earth belongs, has undergone various changes dating
> billions of years. When you start appreciating this, you then start asking
> yourself why we dwell and concentrate all our beliefs in events dating back
> merely 2000 years. Surely there is not logic in appreciating such events and
> ignoring the various scientific evidence that in fact the story of the earth
> and the universe could well date back to billions of years.
> Now watch this:
> Astronomers believe they've found the oldest thing they've ever seen in the
> universe: It's a galaxy far, far away from a time long, long ago.
> Hidden in a Hubble Space Telescope photo released earlier this year is a
> small smudge of light that European astronomers now calculate is a galaxy
> from 13.1 billion years ago. That's a time when the universe was very young,
> just shy of 600 million years old. That would make it the earliest and most
> distant galaxy seen so far.
> http://www.aolnews.com/science/article/astronomers-believe-they-have-found-oldest-galaxy-so-far/19682184?ncid=webmail
> Lets expand our thoughts and views as we continue to debate this matter.
> --
> Harrison Mumia N
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> (+254) 0728 - 582317
> (+254) 020 - 286 3925Skype: harrymumiaYahoo Messenger : h_mumia@yahoo.com
> http://harrisonmumia.weebly.com/
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