You are a clever man, you have said some point. We should have started earlier let say from Kenyatta`s time; the kalenjin land he swindled for his benefit, of which his son Uhuru has inherited, then go to Moi, the 24 years of scandles after scandles, do not forget that even anglo-leasing started when moi`s men were still in power. the goldenburg was completely a Moi project. If we started even with the Goldenburgs still kalenjins would say that they are being targeted again. But I am sorry that most of our leaders are after their own personal gain, this includes Ruto also. You might see Ruto joining hands with Uhuru Kenyatta, or help Uhuru Kenyatta to ascend to power; the man his father swindled ordinary kalenjins land. So do you know who will keep on losing?. The losers will be still be the ordinary Kalenjins who will not get the land they thought belongs to their grandfathers even before the colonist left.
Do you know that upto now even in the central province people who went into the forest (mau Mau) to fight for land have not got land they fought for. Why?. I just hope Kenyan voters are now intelligent enough to know the real cheaters in this chase board. What is likely to happen is this: Ruto will not get votes from the central province no matter how much he hates or speaks ill things against Raila, that is a fact and no other Kenyans are yet ready today to put another Kalenjin in to the presidency given the 24 years Moi took in power. The momery is still very fresh Guys let us not cheat ourselves. So Ruto is just a spoiler not a presidential material right now in Kenya today. I just hope Ruto a good trial, after the millions of Ks then Hague, the man is having chains of problems: If I were Ruto I would stick to the ODM until after 2012. But forming another party or joining PNU is like commiting suicide. Because the moment ICC or Hague will need him PNU will just hand him over to them. If he is stupid enough to form a party made of only kalenjins then he will spoil even for the ordinary poor kalenjins. Ruto said he has read the new constitution well and he does not need anybody to interprate it for him, but his actions are saying the opposite. Read todays east african standard.
Paul Nyandoto
>>> Justice Kirwok
Happy Shujaa day to you together with your golden wrapped gift of suspension of a minister.
To me the decision is simpy about the 2012 succession plans. If the interest was to recover lost public funds we should have started with Anglo leasing and Goldenberg to recover at least sh. 30 Billion. Then follow by pursuing Triton's 7 billion and the likes of Grand Regency before polishing up with Ruto's 96 million which has not been determined whether it was really stollen funds.
I project things to go this way:
Of course PNU being the chief architects are several steps towards winning the 2012.
First is to disintegrate ODM and its possible alliances. Thus their eagerness to see that Raila suspends Ruto. This achieves the first major objective to devide the party into two. It is expected the Ruto camp will move out to form their collision.
Second it is expected that the Ruto party could be PNU-friendly and might consider forming a collision with them.
In that case the PNU guys have to make sure that Ruto does not take the mantle. How do they achieve this: The have to make sure Ruto's name appears in all bad books and thus in the negotiations he will appear 'not eligible' for election to the highest office.
Thus in his conscience Ruto will choose to back PNU's candidate.
For Raila lets wait. For sure things will come up. What I am sure is that he cannot be allowed to go to the presidency. Though I could be wrong in this last point.
J Kirwok
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:48 AM, benson otieno <> wrote:
This the best Shuja Day gift that the Grand Coalition Government has given to this country. However it is too little too late. I expected to see more heads rolling not only Hon Ruto. Wetangula and his PS should follow suit as theirs is a mega scam compared to Ruto's. The timing of the case might also be suspect, but it is better we weed out corruption in this country once and for all. We should not rally our tribesmen to defend us once corruption cases are broughtagainst us because when we are eating we do it ourselves we dont share the loot with them. The problem we have in Kenya is that thieves have become our heros because of the wealth they have. We need to change this mindset for this country to develop.
Happy Shuja Day
> Subject: Ruto Suspendedhe
--- On Tue, 10/19/10, Robert Alai <> wrote:
> From: Robert Alai <>
> Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 9:50 AM
> Guys. Naskia hivyo. Ni kweli
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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