Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Revised Infamous List of Heaven Goers

@Good people,

The French people will tell you, C'est la vie -  Such is life.  Don't care about what the Germans will tell you but even don't want to think or dream of what the Mongolithians would  want to suggest not even tell you.

Due to public demand for there is no public anyway, the most sane on has revised the list of heaven goers.  Some of you wonder and indeed do it in a manner that would scare a mating rat, whether all this is true and nothing but the truth; may they that have little faith be warned no even to question those who does not even show hope of getting nearer to the said faith.

Successful Top-Ten names;- humans,

1.  Harry Mumia.
2.  Papa Likondi.
3.  Kuria wa Mwangi - a commission will have to be setup.
4.  Wams - status still not confirmed.
5. Josephine Nzioka.
6. Pastor Birai.
7. Omataka Omkwolotoititi.
8. Otieno Sungu.
9. Ayuaya Masira the Monk.
10. Robert Alai

Ps:  If your name is missing, don't PANIC! HAPPY!
 Best Regards,
---Chairman of ladies, Chairman of the Council of Manliness and the most sane one.
 ./Muita Wangoko

 "If the outside is so good, why is it taking too long to perfect the inside?"

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