Friday, October 22, 2010

Re: The Rule of Law under the New Constitution.

Oh maina stop adding fire wood to the burning fire be a man of peace and respect ur elders sp that ur days can be added

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From: Buiywo Siongiki <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:49:23 +0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: The Rule of Law under the New Constitution.

dera Maina,
am happy and wholeheartedly for your feelings. Now allow me too to experess my feeelings.
Yes well said and done, if i may ask who is the complainant in the Ruto's case of having been sold a forest land? Kenya or KPC or the Environment Ministry.
2/ isn't it always equally corrupt for one to buy and (in this case going to the extent of paying as much as upto 272 Millions shillings)
and as such the complainant shoul;d also face the LAW?
3/ We are all aware of the "sheep being fattened" and if may explain the riddle...the fattener must be Baba Jimmy and Liutenants.....and the sheep is awaiting slaughter. To my opinion Ruto is being used as a sacrificial lamb whilst fattening the Sheep so that the populists see it as a fight against Ruto n tribesmen.
4/ i presume once the sheep is ready for slaughter (somehwre neer 2011 Dec to 2012 before May) Samoei will join the fattener an d liutenants and all in unison celebrate and share the sweet bacon.
Watch this space.
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:24 PM, maina joseph <> wrote:

Do you notice how convenient Allex avoids mentioning Raila Odinga by his name in his email and mentions him softly as co-principal only once and no more than that!!. Whom are you avoiding to hurt my friend. And mentions the name Kibaki  4times!!. He continues to rubbish Kibaki over Ruto suspension severally. Who does not know Raila-Ruto political wars. Was it not Raila who had earlier allegedly sacked W.Ruto? Remember the censure motion in Parliament? What about heated ODM PG and NEC meetings coz of Ruto factor.

Pre-2011 politics have started and will get stronger by 2012 general elections. Watch out for the big loser. The sheep is being fattened!

I know where your heart lies in this matter and that's why you just say "co-principal" Hold your horses. Its difficult to adopt your political protectionism upto 2012 elections. Its very tiresome. You will definitely break coz D-day is coming and coming very first. Right or wrong, Ruto factor (and plse note that Ruto is part of Ruto factor) will hit back very very hard.

Be fairly balanced my friend. Dont force Kibaki and by extension his lieutenants, to wholly carry the cross.
Kenyans are intelligent. By the way Raila was very happy on Mashujaa Day!! Did you notice? That's how he wanted things go. His cronies are cool.

Any hard feelings Allex?


--- On Thu, 10/21/10, jt okinda <> wrote:

From: jt okinda <>

Subject: Re: The Rule of Law under the New Constitution.
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 12:21 AM


Let all of us be sincere if we have to move this country forward positively. There was a case going on at the appeal level. It was only logical that the decision of the court be awaited before any action against Ruto is taken. The court decided a week ago that Ruto has a case to answer at the magistrates court which was trying the fraud case. It is now upon Ruto and co-accused to convince the magistrate`s court that they did not commit a crime!

The current constitution is very clear on action to be taken against a public officer with such cases in court. All the President has done is to respect the constitution.Why blame him?


From: Alex Tallam <>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 11:05:59 AM
Subject: Re: The Rule of Law under the New Constitution.

The suspension of Hon William Ruto from the cabinet is more of a populist act than a committment to fight corruption by Kibaki!! Ruto may have participated in the corrupt land deal and so he should face the courts, but then if we look at Kibaki's past in the fight against corruption, then it comes out clearly as to why he took the action at this late hour in the day. Ruto's case has been dragging on for the last 9 years and he was even appointed a minister while the case was still going on, so if Kibaki and his co principal was serious about fighting craft, then he should not have been appointed in the first place!!!
This administration is replete with unresolved corruption cases where the public has lost billions of shillings and yet it is a well known fact that some of Kibaki's foot soldiers are deeply involved in corruption but he did nothing, yes he suspended some of them, but they were back in goverment after getting cleared by commissions which were set up by Kibaki himself and whose findings has never been made public!!!
Here is a guy who is desperate to hold on to anything which can help him leave a legacy, and some populist actions like suspending Ruto, can help him achieve that!! it is a well known fact that Hon Ruto is one of the most hated (rightly or wrongly)politicians we have today and hitting him below the belt can generate alot of excitement both ways (negative/positive). I don't believe Kibaki is acting in good faith, in any case, the old constitution gave him immence powers to do literaly anything he wanted done including firing corrupt individuals from his government, but he has never done that for his entire close to 10 years now!!
Otherwise if Ruto is found to have participated in the corrupt land deal, then he should squarely face justice, but the he should not be alone, the whole lot who participated in the transaction should be put in their defence otherwise it will be taken by some people to a selective application of the law.

From: Jagem K'Onyiego <>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 2:22:03 AM
Subject: The Rule of Law under the New Constitution.

Ladies and Gentlemen(s)
Since Hon Ruto was told by the Judges that he has a case to answer in Court Concerning a parcel of land that he and others participated in selling to a certain firm, where the sellers ended up raking Millions of Shillings, money that lawfully should not have gone to their pockets, many people have come into the Forum with Very interesting postings.
A number of them have come with Daggers drawn in defense of Ruto, while others have posted their thoughts, which clearly show that they are ululating, about Ruto, a Minister, being brought to answer charges in a Court of Law. While this has gone on, I see those for and against Ruto, at times to tend to be very emotional and passionate. This maybe so, but we must remember that, a few things have changed since the introduction of the new Constitution.
The New Constitution promised to protect the individual rights of the Citizens. A section in that Constitution also promises the Citizens that it will fight and protect them from Corrupt individuals. The Constitution also states clearly, that, a person mentioned in a Corruption case, which is before a Court of law, if that person is holding a Government office, he/she must resign.
The above is what the constitution provides. Now, Ruto's case goes against all these clauses and therefore what is befalling him is as the Law demands.
If all Walalahoi and YPs respected the law to be impartial in this New Constitutional dispensation, then all should have kept quiet and waited for the law to take its course. It is only in this way that Sanity will come back to Kenya. Haven't the Citizens had enough melodrama, with "Chest thumping individuals", who often, operated like they were immune to and above the law? Would we want that situation to continue or would we want to see some sobriety about the rule of law set in?
Over to you Forumists

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