On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 17:41, joseph nyongesa <situmanyongesa@gmail.com> wrote:
---Good people, I must needs put some disclaimer. And it is that I, Nyongesa has not backslidden and neither have I gotten "tired" of, (off?) my queen of all poesy. I confess that here I sound tired for only a tired man can engage in such thoughts. Nevertheless I take great comfort in knowing that this is just "mere" sounding. That not withstanding, my critiques and "consolers" can say and interpreate all that they please at least for the sake of democracy and freedom of speech.Of late I have taken to asking myself in what ways a concubine better (that is more desirable) than a wife. I know this are the kinds of questions that Mheshimiwa should be asking us but I am grateful because you guys can pardon my indulgence. And I also recognize(as luhyas would say rekokonice) that this are not very godly askments.There has been some beef in my "kingdom" and I just need to let it out. My wife(to be), my queen of all poesy has annoyed yours truly in a thing or two.My "wife" knows that she has the law on her side which compels me to retain her no mater how displeasing or how annoying she becomes sometimes, often. The other, (perchance my concubine) knows that she must hold me by behaving well to me-all the time, or else look for another, that is loose me. So much so that in one case, I feel compelled to love and in another case I feel pampered to love...and who does not wish to be pampered? It therefore follows that in this sense, a concubine is infinitelly better.Unfortunately or fortunately, her majesty divine is with "fruit", and that this fruit gives her so to speak an edge over a concubine: for this is accounted by law legitimate "fruit". It therefore also follows that in this case, her majesty divine is infinitely better than a concubine.Ladies and Gentlemen, let me not bore you with perambulations pertaining to wife and concubine for we all know the truth. In the spirit of a true Luhya, let me send greetings to members on the famous list to heaven, Bishop, Archbishop and members of ToGo church, not less Mr. Goddamit. I great thee ladies and gentlemen. Nyongesa says Hi?
Dearer to my pen is still women and fine ladies and lately concubines vis a vi wives. Not much has changed.
@Sane one,
Greetings from him who has found solace in the hands of the Hitlerlets.
Are you asking a question, questions or is it question(s) asking question(s)? Sane one, many a times you have tried to fool us to join you into these flood of confusion - a disease so I say that you possess, which is curable anyway but don't ask me how and why?
The major problem - one of the major problems, for there are several - one of the many major problems with pleasing skirt-wearers is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. Who can possibly please if no one who wants to do it can be allowed to?
Aside from that, I hear some pissing of some people asking of my whereabouts. Tell them I am well....that all the goodness that they only read on papers, is finally bestowed on me or as Pastor tells us, has dawned on me. Tell them that if they care more than enough, I am willing to share some of the goodnesses.
Peace be with all those who care to have peace itself as defined.
Best Regards,
./Muita Wangoko
"If the outside is so good, why is it taking too long to perfect the inside?"
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