Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Constitution Will be hard to implement

Things might not go the way voters wanted with this new constitution. This new baby (new constitution) may be a nightmare, It may be like parents who are struggling to really understand the nature of unconditional love with their son/daughter.  Parents may communicate to the son/daughter what they are doing and why, but the son/daughter may be too hard to understand.  It looks even up to today that our politicians, Mps did not read the constitution fully, but if they read it then some of them did not understand the paper at all.
There is a mistrust somewhere and Kenyans are not seeing this. The comments which follow those mistrust speaks louder up to foreign lands. For example the other day the vice president Mr. kalonzo approached the chinese to help kenya implement the new draft. This did not go well with some Kenyans and some commentators went as far as calling Kalonzo names. In todays daily nation the prime minister also approached the so called Kenyan friends to help Kenya implement the new constitution. Please take time to read the comments thrown to the prime minister; Some go as far as asking why Raila likes everything foreign, some degrading the prime miniters etc. Please read the comments below the report( daily nation 08.09.2010).
But the most striking point came on the front page of the same magazine( daily nation 08.09.2010). The same paper says `ministers reject calls to quite party offices`. Guys: Are we smart enough to implement this new constitution without foreigners?. my answer is NO, NO and a lot of NOs. Why?. Because even our Mps do not understand the new draft at all. Mps have given ultimatum upto september 28 which they would paralyse all governmnet business if the ministers do not quite party positions. But folks what does the new constitution say about that clause. It is very clear that those occupying party offices will  quite after an election. I do not know which election have been done and why the  honorable Mps are giving ultimatum.
Back to Raila and Kalonzo on why foreigners should help; Some countrys have experience with implementation of the draft since they have done it before. Remember we Kenyans were bussy sleeping, playing tribalism when a wake and paying taxes to be eaten for about 40 years for the constitution making, but we never had one to implement  ourselves. Since the old constitution was placed by the colonial masters in 1963. So when the Vice president and Prime  minister are approaching foreigners the only questions we should ask are: Which part of the implementation do we need the foreigners to help us with?. Financial?, teaching our Mps to read the draft 10 times a day?, or going to Uriri, Kisii, Nyeri, Turkana, mombasa, machakos, eldoret etc to tell the local how things should be done? etc. Me  I do support both Kalonzo and Raila for calling foreigners help, because I do sence manipulation trying to get our new baby to shape up. Some want to shape this paper as a logical extension of their growth and charater. With the new constitution voted for the president have already dished again a lot of districts, now they are talking about new constituencies; So the question is what for? and who is going to finance the mamoth they are still creating at a time when even our Mps have not understood the draft?. The president should call a meeting with Mps and ministers to ask who have read the constitution but did not understand a word written then start the proper lesson from there. The front page of our Daily Nation today speaks a lot and those so called foreigners are not stupid to see what is going on in the country. So folks whether you like it or not we need those foreigners, just swallow your pride you will need it later: one simple reason is our leaders do not understand what they are supposed to implement period!!!.
Paul Nyandoto

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