Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday out with== Mama Watoto

The Sunday morning began so well after I called the Pastor and informed him that I was not feeling well and that i would not join the other worshipers for the Sunday.
I therefore slept further hitting 11.00 o'clock with 20 minutes on it's side.

My better half then instead of waking me up for tea chooses to call my phone as she sips tea from the living room which I ignore imagining they are those Sunday friends wanting me to go watch Liverpool Vs Westaham as they are used to doing just to be sure then they book me sitting space ahead of the match with the bar man==My madam infuriated comes over and spanks me with one of her tops which incidentally falls off her hands and land on ma face giving me the feeling of a he-goat when in need of a female goat and the noise those he-goats make when testing some fluids from the she-goat in the air.

Anyway the rest is a story and by 3pm we hit the road to a local open air market to help her pick some household grocery just to make the week ahead easier for us. We decide to trek since mlembo insists that her belly has become stubborn since our last born two months ago and it would be healthy for her to take a long walk. We do the road side which then reminds me of how my late mother used to send me to a local posho mill which was about 5kilomettres away to do the unga==I used to carry the manila container on ma head with dried mahindi Iinside,walk the whole distance and even before i place my load down,the miller shouts me not to jump the queue=I was used to doing this whenever I was late for milling after playing ajwala(locally made foot-ball played in open fields by growing boys) .The miller=a man with hump back who was known by his clients as Opiko Mirenga==A story was told that he hailed from Luhyaland and when he came looking for cattle herding job,he landed one in a home whose owner passed away ten years ago and after few years of faithful work,he was adopted by the second widow as a roaming husband.Initially people thought the woman was loosing her head but after they had their first baby boy and whom they speedily named Ombayo who was the deceased original home owner,villagers concluded the deal is done.

Anyway at the market with Mama watoi I find something that I  used to see long time ago still going on at these open air markets==Along the market allay tis soo narrow and sellers of merchandise line their wares on both sides leaving a small path for would be buyers to walk through.Now the most interesting bit is that when Mamas are buying they bend over to pick grocery as they are laid down on the ground.So the Mamas bend on both sides now even leaving a much more narrower allay to wade through.Picture this==Mamas bending over on both sides and as a man I cant walk properly since either way my front will be directly facing another mamas ninio and tis both sides so I complain to Mama watoi that this is abit uncomfortable with me since I will be facing battles I cant finish here in the market.

From picking nyanya and terere plus abit of other combined mbogas I decide to check If Mama Achienge still sells skeletons of Mbuta(nile perch)  next to some cobla within the market place.I knew Mama Achienge in 2003 when I first visited the market.I find alot of improvement as she bought a new jiko,stalks omena as well and now begins her business late as the sun goes down since she targets the waunis(barchelors) who venture out after darkness so as not to be seen purchasing the near meatless Nile-perch skeletons for the evening dinner.

Anyway I finally decide to do my beards at a local barber shop as mama waits at a local retali store store where she has a woman friend known to her for some time and even before a hair is removed from my beards my phone rings and it turns out to be Mama,and when I pick she asks in high pitch tone why I have taken that long kwani nanyolewa mpaka zile za chini? I laugh it off and ask the Berber to continue removing hair from ma beards that is a family matter. We finally get on our way home and as she walks ahead of me I think of the day I met this sweet queen on ma way home from church and................................................that is my day out with Mama on a Sunday


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