Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why Didn't Raila Order The Arrest Of Bashir (Constutution Does Not Provide)

Dear all,

Raila is not empowered constitutionally to deal with cases like arresting Bashir.

He can only mobilize his party in parliament for a local tribunal to undress the PEV suspects and give a political will to the Hague intended visitors.

We now have a chain of command from the President,the PM and the VP.

SOME OFFICES ARE MORE DIRECT IN OPE RATIONALIZATION LIKE THE Office of the President,Internal Security,Foreign Affairs than the question of consulting Raila as the PM Where information can be kept secret.

We didn't need to invite Bashir to order his arrest.

All said or argued,Bashir was used to send unwritten statement that WE SHALL NOT SEND OUR PEV SUSPECTS TO THE HAGUE COME RAIN,DOGS AND CATS.

Thank you all,


--- On Tue, 8/31/10, asego2002 <> wrote:

From: asego2002 <>
Subject: [africa-oped] Re: [NVK-Mageuzi] WHY DIDN'T RAILA ORDER THE ARREST OF BASHIR
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 4:50 PM



It is hard to look outside a bubble when you are stuck inside it. Kenyans are stuck inside a bubble and they dont even realize the bubble exists. It is sure tempting to extrapolate forward and think the status quo will last forever.

The Oba of Homa Bay County
c/o Pedo Primary School
Kanyada Kanyabala K'Ojanga

--- In, barack abonyo <luo31@...> wrote:
> Erickson
> As per now there is no formidable candidate that can beat the status quo. That is the most unfortunate thing. Most of those who have declared their stand like Wajackoya still remain boardroom candidates. This will not beat Raila or Kibakilets who are constantly going around the country selling themselves. We just hope someone strong will come up. May be we just need a dj like what happened I believe commoro island.
> Dr. Barack Otieno Abonyo
> Associate Professor of Pharmacology
> College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
> Florida A and M University
> 1415 Martin Luther King Dr.
> Tallahassee Fl, 32304
> Tel:850-561-2553
> 850-339-4806
> To:
> From: oduyaericson@...
> Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 02:22:51 -0700
> Subject: Re: [africa-oped] RE: [NVK-Mageuzi] WHY DIDN'T RAILA ORDER THE ARREST OF BASHIR
> Daktari,
> I really support your call for an early election. My worry is only one; are we prepared enough to usher in a new leadership when the elections are called or we are just contented with the status quo championed by KBK as the chairman deputised by J.A.K.O.M? If we are contented then we would rather continue with the current arrangment until death do us part because why spend money to do an election meant to just replace KBK with either JAKOM,UK,Bill and the likes. it is not worth it brother!
> Regards,
> Oduya.
> --- On Mon, 8/30/10, barack abonyo <luo31@...> wrote:
> From: barack abonyo <luo31@...>
> Subject: [africa-oped] RE: [NVK-Mageuzi] WHY DIDN'T RAILA ORDER THE ARREST OF BASHIR
> To:, "newvision" <>,, "youngprofessionals" <>, "" <>, dickens.odhiambo@...
> Date: Monday, August 30, 2010, 8:06 PM
> Silas
> I am glad to hear from you my brother. Word has it that like he did in Chad, Bashir gave money to come to the party. It was too lucrative to turn down. Some of the money is in people's pockets while others are shelved for 2012 compaigns. ODM simply need to quit and call for another election which they can now do very easily. We do not want a stalemate culminating into an extension of Kibaki government. We need a new election.
> On the diaspora movement, we have formed Kenya Global Unity that will from now on champion diaspora course. Our first objective is to petition the government to have the logistics in place for us to vote in 2012. Second objective is for diaspora to have a representation. Of course statistics has it that there are 3 million kenyans out here. Because many of them are educated, it is very likely that 70% of them will vote if the logistics are in place. The best part of this is that this lot will tend to vote issues rather than tribalism. Furthermore if 70% vote it will mean that we will have 2.1million sure swing vote. Diaspora will therefore be a force to reckon with.
> Go to Kenya Global Unity face book page and website. Please join us in fighting injustice and mediocrity in government. We can beat this through one man, one woman, one family, one group solidified action
> Dr. Barack Otieno Abonyo
> Associate Professor of Pharmacology
> College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
> Florida A and M University
> 1415 Martin Luther King Dr.
> Tallahassee Fl, 32304
> Tel:850-561-2553
> 850-339-4806
> To:;;;;; dickens.odhiambo@...;
> From: mudekhere@...
> Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 13:23:37 -0700
> Daktari,
> Of Course Raila is powerless!! What ODM forgot to appreciate when negotiating the National accord was that you don't negotiate with a man of Kibaki's arrogance with AGOKO(thorax). You use your head!! Kibaki is a silent bully and knows quite well that ODM has never appreciated this...he is basically showing them who is really in control! In this storm, he will sit back, relax, sip onto his glass of whatever he takes these days and leave ODM, You and Me, to karangana in public mpaka tuchoke then waits for another hot topic. His handlers must be scouting for another diversionary piece of thing and we shall all well kiss the Bashir issue bye!
> I am thinking that vigilance is the way to go here; and am urging all of us here in the diaspora to think and re-think seriously of our contribution to the new Kenya...Please educate me, how many are we out here (diaspora)? 3million? is this number good enough to influence the change we can TRUST in???
> Silas.
> --- On Sun, 8/29/10, barack abonyo <luo31@...> wrote:
> From: barack abonyo <luo31@...>
> To: "newvision" <>,, "youngprofessionals" <>, "" <>,, dickens.odhiambo@...
> Date: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 9:55 PM
> Dear All
> If only Raila had some powers in this government, if Raila is indeed the prime minister of the republic of Kenya, could he not have ordered/demanded an immediate arrest of Bashir? And if he actually orderd the police commisioner to do that and nothing happened could that be considered as insurbodination. If Raila was really the prime minister of the republic of Kenya could he have known that a head of state is comming to the country where he shares equal powers with the president? How can Moses Watengula know something while Raila is kept in the dark? Do we have two parrallel governements in our country?
> Ladies and gentlmen, we are being set up for chaos. We do not have a government. We simply have a clan led by the twelve desciples of the devil himself. Our elected leaders have no idea what goes on. Instaed of acting they are crying back to us and yet we have no defense. That is why many of us are still IDPS. This Bashir thing is more seriouse that just the hague. It digs deep to the core of our government and it is an indicator that we are a failed state run by three or four people. If the prime minister has no idea what is going on in his own government then who should know?
> How bad does it have to get before one says enough is enough? Who is really in charge of Kenya? It appears this government can easily be taken over by hooligans under this confusion. With the immense support Raila has, it is time he be respected or else he should quit the coalition. The coalition is a hoax. There is no cooperation. How long must Raila continue crying to the public instaed of saying enough is enough?
> The constitution has been passed. This should be the straw that broke the camels back. It is time for Raila to mobilize his group when he is still popular and call for elections so that is ruled by an elected president. Kibaki has something up his sleeves and he need to be stopped before it is too late. We do not want chaos, we need peace and cooperation and I think it is time for people to go back to the ballot box.
> Dr. Barack Otieno Abonyo
> Associate Professor of Pharmacology
> College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
> Florida A and M University
> 1415 Martin Luther King Dr.
> Tallahassee Fl, 32304
> Tel:850-561-2553
> 850-339-4806

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