Friday, October 22, 2010

Re: [Kvetforum] Semen shortage hampers AI services in Kenya

Betty it is sad thanks for coming out boldly Kosgey tried to appoint a kale there was noise of tribolism forgeting theirs my country will never be a proper country if these people do not change and treat others equally.

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From: Betty Otieno <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 18:21:13 +0300
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [Kvetforum] Semen shortage hampers AI services in Kenya

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Gitau <>
Date: Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Kvetforum] Semen shortage hampers AI services in Kenya

Dear Dr. Betty Otieno,

I have gone through the detailed e-mail you wrote and thought you went too personal on the CAIS issue. Whereas all of us have the right of freedom to express ourselves, other people also too have their rights NOT to be maliciously maligned without tangible evidence. If you feel you evidence about a professional colleague who has mishandled an Institution under his/her authority, it would be nice to report to the right Institution that is KACC and NOT Kvetforum. The spirit of Kvetforum is to build one another and not to tear one another.It is wrong to write such details on a professional colleague without tangible evidence and also introduce the tribal angle.
Ask yourself, how can you be of help to such a person and others who may be going through challenges in life? How can KVB or KVA play a role to sort out such an issue?
I do remember a while back you wrote a similar e-mail regarding Department of Anatomy and Physiology.
My prayer is that you will work towards offering solutions and NOT the other way round.


Prof. George Gitau, CSD

From: Betty Otieno <>
Sent: Thu, October 14, 2010 6:03:40 PM
Subject: [Kvetforum] Semen shortage hampers AI services in Kenya


Dear Honourable colleagues

I have been reading a lot on this forum. To Ken my Friend, take heart and My Friend Guhad, extremes in life happen. Life must continue by all means possible. As emphasised by Dr. Guhad, we need facts on the forum and facts it is!! Please forgive me since once again; I am going to be very blunt. Please allow me to copy this email to the Minister and other Veterinary members of parliament who may not get this mail on this forum. Moderator Guhad, Please send a copy to to CAIS if they are not members here

Distinguished members of the forum, I want to finally shed some light on this sticky issue of semen shortages in CAIS. I have taken the liberty to do my homework through personal contacts who are far much informed about the real situation in this institution than majority of us.

FACT: CAIS as it is now; it is on the verge of collapse due to a management lapse. Many of us remember what the institution used to be between the years 2000 to 2002. It was vibrant with young and very well trained Veterinarians. It takes at least 5-10 years to train a veterinarian in matters of semenology and breeding/bull stud management. For those who don't know they had been trained both locally and abroad. They had a good experience and touch with the breeding industry. Semen production then was 117,000 DOSES per month, against the current 43,381 DOSES per month. With a grand production of 353,964 doses per year against an overall demand from CAIS of close to 900,000 doses per year. The current CEO has been fighting to get a leeway to import semen. This is unacceptable to the private semen importers. You can see the gap.

NOW: When you don't maintain this workforce, you will all the time start from zero every time you want to take off. The current CEO has been hounding and making sure that those well informed more than him does not stay. He has frustrated 2, who took off and are now comfortable outside the breeding world and it's not by choice. The only vet who has remained is struggling to hang on. WHY DOES THIS MAN FIGHT EVERY VETERINARIAN WHO COMES HIS WAY?  

BASELINE: A demoralised staff base, people working under intimidation and constant fear of a sack. Low productivity is the result that is inevitable

FACT: Tribalism and lack of dignity. And please, the enemy here is the tribalist! The above fact stems from a strong tribal inclination. In the production line, other Non-Kikuyu employees of the institution will not be allowed to be involved despite true competence. Deliberately, this master of deceit (CEO) has from his sweeper to every level of management entrenched his tribesmen and women only.  Please note that in Kenya today, I have nothing against a particular ethnic group, but we have to say it so as to show who the real enemies of a particular ethnic group are.

FACT:  Lack of appropriate skills for the right Job. I want to challenge this man to prove to everyone his capabilities. We have a history to "Dr". Wamukuru. He has never improved any institution but to eat and destroy wherever he goes. He is not trained in breeding matters and has never been in this field. The fact that he ended up in CAIS as CEO is highly questionable as always! I am challenging him to prove that he can deliver and give a scientific and logical explanation towards the improvement of CAIS. This is a government institution that belongs to our country and farmers; we cannot lay in wait and watch as it plummets to oblivion. Some people never learn from others and will never want to learn

FACT: Ladies and gentlemen, the only factor that has been mastered by this man is political shielding. Look at the board of management which he assembled. He has taken the who is who and perceived to be politically connected to Nyeri.  This I can tell you is the only thing holding the Permanent Secretary and Hon.  Minister from shoving this man out of that place because I can assure you they are equally disgusted. Those close to the Minister could also take the liberty to inform him to take action before it is too late

SOLUTION: If any member here knows these honourable men on the board, please bring to their notice that the station is dying due to misuse of public funds here (60M in the last 2 years) and lack of the scientific touch required here. They have for a very long time been shielded from the truth.

FACT: Bull stud management and selection. You will notice that bull selection processes into CAIS that were so elaborate are no longer pegged on merit but on how this poor manager want to work. External collaborating agencies have most pulled out and CAIS no longer has nothing new to offer. Recently we had 7 bulls dying at the station. The CEO is challenged to explain why bulls die under his watch and yet it has never happened since the station was started. Worse of all, he has been going round claiming that he is being sabotaged by our colleagues!

Ensuing these facts is an overall underperformance which has nothing to do with demand like he keeps saying. The death of bulls is linked to poor bull stud management and feeding systems introduced by his management style.

FACT: Lack of priorities in management. The CEO is merely behaving like a procurement officer and not a scientist. The bull lines are dilapidated while one goes ahead to construct a sound-proof office and boardroom. Just last week, he went ahead to fence off the station along kapenguria road where a contractor is using material bought by the station. I am sure at the end of the day, he will be paid in full and claim to have used his own material. Besides that, he should have prioritised the bull lines

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not trying to be Ms Perfect, but such people should be exposed in full and action taken to get rid of such characters from society and this profession. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I will be giving an expose of what has really happened in CAIS since he posted himself there. This man avoids forums where he knows he will meet fellow vets and do meaningful debates.

He cannot allow vets under him to attend professional activities lest they talk. The era of gagging is gone and we must speak out. We must therefore gather the momentum to tackle such characters. If need be, at the highest levels of this country.

Dear Kenyans, I will not be tired but try to give you as many facts as possible. Next week, we get more.  Any other questions and queries could be sent to my email directly by members.

Thank you


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