Saturday, July 31, 2010

Re: Everyone saying NO to KATIBA has personal vested interests!!!!!

Well put our chief and director of monitoring desk.

Did you see the recent full page in Nation newspaper by the Kenya Large Land Owners Association(kela)? They are saying that reducing the tenure from 999 years to 99 as PC is very bad news. There is no where else in the world where foreigners own agricultural land in perpetuity. They are held on leasehold basis of less than 99 years. There is no where and if our NO colleagues have, please share with us such best practices and we shall appreciate.

Ladies and gentlemen. we have produced one of the most progressive and futurist constitutions that we must surely feel proud to be associated with. No apologies.

Soldier on and aggressive and humbly reach out one and all those Kenyans in the NO and undecided camps and help them to get to the right side of History.

Yes we are still intensifying the struggle and search for ... 

Elijah Agevi

From: otieno sungu <>
Cc:; young proffessionals <>; kol <>;; youthagenda <>; Bunge <>
Sent: Fri, 30 July, 2010 22:42:04
Subject: Everyone saying NO to KATIBA has personal vested interests!!!!!

Haveyou realised that the fiercest critics of the draft may be doing so for personal and vested interests rather than  the good of the nation?
  • Take the large idle land owners and land grabbers, why do they make land an issue when most Kenyans have shown in various polls that land is not contentious?
  • Take the clergy, some churches too own large tracks of illegally acquired land, this draft posses a challenge to their continued ownership of such land. Secondly, the whole issue of Kadhi Courts is because most evangelicals, the most vocal, are in business and they are merely protecting their tuff and fighting for "clients".
  • Take some activists, they are opposing reforms that they have "fought for" over the years because if these reforms pass, what else will they still be aggitating for? They may have to begin finding useful work to engage in and this is a very honest fear, I would fight for my bread if it were threatened!!
  • Take the anti abortionist, most are men, some unmarried and never will who wish to use religion and tradition to keep their traditional pertanalistic grip on the womenfolk.
  • Take the KANU anti reform lobby, they cannot allows the current leadership to ensure Kenyans realize reforms because this will be the final blow that sends them into oblivion.Again, their pasts may soon catch up with them should we have a reformed institutions especially the judiciary.
  • Take the male chauvenists and bigots, they have nothing else against KATIBA except that they fear women getting involved in power, leadership at every level, inheritance, and equal opportunities.There are two notorious ones!!!

The list is endless, but I have looked at postings from many NO proponents and can easily decipher the inner fears of each group.


Let us assure them that change is managed and good for survival and continuity, otherwise, they will become extinct if they cannot adopt.


Otieno Sungu.

YES anylist and Chief Monitor of No defections!!!!


Otieno Sungu

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