Thursday, July 29, 2010

Re: [NewVisionKenya] 4 famous bloggers confirm to have received bribes

KES.50,000 ONLY? Now, that's cheap.I blame those bloggers for not consulting a finance expert before they agreed to the deal.TheyI'd have gotten a better deal, perhaps for life.But I like the daily deal of ksh 2500.Lets
see: 4 postings a day is ksh 10,000.How I wish my Kuria Rev Mwangi and I were in Kenya.We'd be PLOT
owners in Muranga town and Thika Kiandutu slums clean with title DEEDs from Orengo House before Aug.4th.
I envy them.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Dickens Mitawia <> wrote:

Propaganda has a way of taking very fickle dimensions.

I am sure if this were true, you would have gleefully spilt the beans, afterall your mole has furnished you with all the details. Moi and Kibaki are leading the way in a bare-knuckled one on one.


Mitawia Dickens.

From: Elijah Kombo <>
Cc: young proffessionals <>;; kol <>;
Sent: Thu, July 29, 2010 8:13:56 AM
Subject: [NewVisionKenya] 4 famous bloggers confirm to have received bribes


I am shocked that four of our prominent bloggers have been bribed to campaign on blogs for this flawed constitution. The four bloggers were priginally supporting Ruto and the NO brigade only to be short changed later. They switched camps and were given ten of kenya shillings. These four are notoriusly known for bashing people around. My inside mole provided me with Mpesa details that each of the mole received atleast Kshs 50,000 only to vigorously mislead young people on the blog. I was realibaly told that for each posting, they received a fruther kshs 2500.
I am sad that even an elite group can be bought, purchased, and ransomed.
For the sake of Aug4th voting, i may consider releasing their names to the public!
Kombo Elijah



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